Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/362

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him: You prayed to Divine Mother; that was very good. They say that the mother's at-traction towards her child is greater than the father's. You can urge your mother more strongly than you can your father. You have a stronger claim on anything that belongs to your mother than on anything of the father. Bijoy: If Brahman the Absolute be the Absolute Brahman and Divine Mother. Divine Mother, then is She with form or without form ?

Ramakrishna: The Absolute Brah-man and the Mother of the universe are one and the same. Where there is no activity of any kind, that is the state of Ab-solute Brahman, but where there is evolution and destruction, there is the manifestation of the Divine Mother. When the water of the ocean is calm, without a wave or ripple, that is like the state of the Absolute. When the water is in motion and with waves, it is the state of the Creative Energy or Divine Mother. Divine Mother is both with form and without form. You have faith in formless Divinity, therefore you can think of my Mother as formless. When your faith is firm, the Divine Mother will show you how She is. Then you will know that it is not that She is mere