Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/364

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universe with form. But the mirror should be thoroughly polished; if there be a speck of dirt the reflection will not be perfect. When the sun is to be seen on the water of the ego and when there is no other means of getting a view of the real Sun, so long the reflected image of the sun should be considered as absolutely real. As long as the ego is real, so long the reflected image of the sun is real, not partially but ab- solutely. That reflected image of the sun is the Divine Mother. If you wish to reach the Abso- lute Brahman, which is impersonal and without attributes, then start from that reflected image and march towards the real Sun. The Personal God or Brahman with attributes is the one who listens to prayers. Pray to Him and He will grant the highest wisdom, because the same Personal God has the Impersonal aspect also, which is the Absolute Brahman. Divine En- ergy, which is the Mother of the universe, is another aspect of the same Brahman. All these merge into absolute oneness. The Mother can give Brahma-Jnana, the knowledge of the Absolute, as also true devotion and absolute love. God is the internal ruler of all. For- saking egotism, resign your will to His will; you will get everything you desire. When you mix