Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/378

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4. Day and night, O Mother, Thou Consort of Eternity, have I been repeating Thy Sacred Name, which brings salvation unto Thy weary children. But alas! my end- less troubles will never leave me. I only regret that if I am not saved, no one else will ever repeat Thy Name.

The Bhagavan next sang about the joy of the Divine Mother:


The Great Mystery

With Shiva the Mother plays always, absorbed in blissful joy.

Deep drunk She is, but falls not.

She dances on the breast of Her consort, The world quakes under the weight of Her feet. Both have reached the climax of madness; Both are fearless and free.

The disciples listened to the songs in deep silence. What struck them was the change that had come over the Bhagavan. He was beside Himself with the joy of the Lord — in- toxicated with that unbounded Bliss. Twilight had fallen. The disciples would not