Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/400

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renunciation of the world of which Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna was the ideal example. Through their intense love for the Master they left their homes and sacrificed the duties and pleasures of life that they might give their whole soul to His service. Notwithstanding His illness, hundreds of people came every day to pay reverential homage to Him. They were eager to receive His blessing and to sit in His presence if only for a few minutes; for His presence brought peace and celestial happiness in the hearts and souls of all. Who had ever seen such un- bounded compassion? He was anxious for the welfare of all those who came to Him and was ever ready to help them by removing their doubts and opening their spiritual eyes. This was the time when Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna showed to the world that He was not a man of this earth, but an embodiment of Infinite Love Divine. His charm and fascination were so great that everyone who came into His presence would lose the consciousness of time and place. Even

men like Dr. Sircar,[1] who was the busiest phy-

  1. Dr. Mehendra lal Sircar was the best Hindu physician