Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/406

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When shall I see the world pervaded by God alone, and prostrate myself in the path of Love Divine! When shall my religious works and daily duties be a thing of the past' When shall my sense of caste and family be gone! O, when shall I rise above fear, anxiety and shame! When shall I be free from pride and social customs! With the dust of the feet of true Bhaktas rubbed over my body; With the script of renunciation placed on my shoulders, when shall I drink in both hands the water from the river of Love Divine !

Sri Ramakrishna had a special liking for this hymn from the Hindustani of Zaffir, the Sufi poet:


Thou art the refuge and joy of my heart. All that is Thou art, all in all Thou art; Only in Thee have I found my Beloved, All that is Thou art, all in all Thou art.

Thou art the dwelling of all Thy creatures. Where Thou abidest not can there be one heart,