Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/408

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which was always charming alike to the learned and the illiterate, to the old and the young, to men and women, to the great and the lowly. The whole company sat mute and looked in silence on His Divine face. Was there any trace now of that serious illness from which He was suffering?. Joy alone was there, and radiance of celestial glory. Turning to the doctor, Sri Ramakrishna began: Do give up shyness, doctor. One should not be shy in repeating before others the Name of the Lord, or in dancing with joy Three obstacles in the way of perfection. while chanting His sweet name. Do not care what people may say. There is a proverb: "Three obstacles lie in the way of perfection, — shyness, contempt and fear." The shy man thinks: "I, who am so important, how can I dance in the name of the Lord ? What will other great people say if they hear of it?" They may say: "What a shame! The poor doctor has lost his head! He has danced while chanting the Name of the Lord!" Give up all such foolish ideas. Doctor: That is not my line at all. I do not care what people say.

Sri Ramakrishna (smiling): On the contrary,