Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/423

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anyone's feet is something like a marvel! You do not see that I can do the same in the case of everybody. (To a gentleman seated near) Now, sir, oblige me by allowing me to salute your feet. (To another) And you, sir. (To a third) And you, sir. (The Doctor saluted the feet of many.) Vivekananda (to the Doctor): Sir, we look upon the Bhagavan as a person who is like God. Let me make my idea clear to you. There is a point somewhere between the vegetable crea-tion and the animal creation where it is difficult to say whether a particular thing is a vegetable or an animal. Much in the same way there is a point somewhere between the man-world and the God-world where you cannot say with certainty whether a person is a human being or God. Doctor: Well, my friend, matters relating to God cannot be explained by analogy. Vivekananda: I say, not God, but Godlike man.

Doctor: You should not give vent to feelings of reverence like that. Speaking for myself, no one has been able, I am sorry to say, to judge my inward feelings. My best friends often re-gard me as stern and cruel. Even you, my