Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/425

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Doctor: You feel that it is not a right thing to do, do you not?

Srî Râmakrishna: What shall I say as regards the state of my mind during Samddhi? After the Samâdhi is over I often go so far as to ask myself: May not this be the cause of the disease that I have got? The thing is, the thought of God makes me mad. All this is the result of Divine madness. There is no help for it.

Doctor (to the disciples): He expresses regret for what he does. He feels that the act is wrong.

Srî Râmakrishna (to Girish): You have great penetration. You explain it all to him, will you not?

Girish (to the Doctor): Sir, you are quite mistaken. He is by no means sorry that His feet touch the persons of the devotees. No, it is not that. His body is pure, sinless; it is purity itself. He is good enough, in His anxiety for their spiritual welfare, to allow His Hallowed Feet to touch the bodies of the devotees. As a result of His taking their sins upon Himself, His own body, He thinks, may be suffering from disease. Think of your own case. You were once taken ill, so you have told us, as the