Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/434

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crystal palace and sees everything of the outside as well as of the inside of the palace. Girish: Bhagavan, why is it that mind after reaching a very high plane comes down to the world? Bhagavan: It is natural with the mind of one who lives in the world. Sometimes it is on a Fickleness of the mind. high plane and sometimes on a low. Sometimes there is a great upheaval of devotional feeling, then again it subsides, because the attraction of lust and wealth is very strong. A devotee who lives in the world may meditate on God and repeat His holy Name, but again his mind is attracted by the power of lust and wealth, just as a fly some-times lights on the most delicious sweetmeat and sometimes relishes the taste of filth or of a rotten carcass.

It is different, however, with those who have renounced the world. They have detached A true Sannyasin. their mind entirely from lust and wealth and have fixed it upon the Supreme. They constantly drink the nectar of Divine Love. The mind of a true Sannyasin does not care for anything other than the Supreme. He leaves the place where worldly talk prevails. He listens to discourses about