Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/451

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Need of solitude 69

Non-attachment 112

Non-attachment necessary 85

Non-dualistic Vedantins 180

One God has many names 151

Ordinary spiritual teachers are blind 169

Parable of a Brahmin Priest and his boy 125

" " " man seeking a light 283

" " " salt doll 109

" " " woodcutter 243

" " " woodcutter and his dream 280

" " the ant and the mount of sugar 107

" " " bird on the mast 282

" " " chameleon 29

" " " deserted temple 174

" " " disciple and the mad elephant 38

" " " elephant and the blind men 28

" " false Sadhu. 205

" " " farmer and his only child 93

" " " farmer and the canal 49

" " " father and his dying son 84

" " " four travelers 255

" " " monk and the Zemindar 88

" " " pious weaver 90

" " " rich man and his Sircar 120

" " " snake and the holy man 40

" " " three robbers 253

" " " tiger 203

" " " Vedic father and his two sons 106

Path of Bhakti Yoga best for this age 172

Path of devotion 240