Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/81

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own face, then He becomes visible to His Bhakta or devotee. In the night the watchman goes from place to place holding in his hand the Illustration of a bulls eye lantern. bull's-eye lantern. By its light he sees everyone's face and people see each other, but no one can see him. If any onewishes to see the watchman, he must beg him to turn the light towards himself. Similarly, he who wishes to see the Lord must pray to Him thus: "O Lord, in Thy mercy do Thou turn the light of Thy wisdom towards Thine own face that I may behold Thee." If there be no light in a house, that is the sign of extreme poverty. Therefore one must light the lamp of wisdom within the heart. "O mind, why dost thou not see the face of the Divine Mother by lighting the lamp of wisdom in the chamber of the soul!"