Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/99

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where and knows that by serving others, he serves Him. These are some of the outward signs of a saint. Householder: Revered Sir, is it necessary to remain long in solitude? Ramakrishna: Until right discrimination is acquired. Householder: Revered Sir, what is right discrimination ? Ramakrishna: God is Truth, the world is untruth; this is discrimination. Truth means that Right discrimination.

which is unchangeable and permanent, and untruth is that which is changeable and transitory. He who has right discrimination knows that God alone is the Reality ; all other things are unreal. When right discrimination comes, then rises intense desire to know God. As long as one loves untruth, such as the pleasures and comforts of the body, fame, honor and wealth, so long one does not desire to know God, the Truth. Right discrimination between Truth and untruth leads one to search after God. Another householder devotee: Bhagavan, we have heard that Thou hast attained to ecstasy and God-consciousness; wilt Thou please explain when and how such a state comes?