Page:The Government of Iowa 1921.djvu/184

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2. From what course do cities and towns derive their power to make and enforce ordinances?

3. How is a town incorporated?

4. How are cities and towns classified?

5. Name five things which may be regulated by cities or towns.

6. How many members are there in the Council of cities and towns? How are they elected? Give term of office and compensation.

7. Compare the position of the Mayor of a city with that of the Governor of the State.

8. In what respect does the Mayor exercise judicial power?

9. Name other city officers elected by the people.

10. Describe the organization of a city government under the Commission plan.

11. What are the advantages of the Commission plan of city government?

12. Wherein is the city Manager plan superior to the Commission plan of city government?


Note.I.J.H.P. = Iowa Journal of History and Politics.

Home Rule in Iowa, Towa Applied History Series, Vol. II, p. 89.

Special Municipal Charters in Iowa, 1836-1858, I. J. H. P., Vol. XVIII, p. 163.

Commission Government in Iowa, by B. F. Shambaugh.