Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 10.djvu/121

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Publisher's Department.


��wood-work which enters into the con- ers and artists attest the substantial struction of the piano. The home progress of the firm in their impor- factory is the place where the prod- tant art. The principal aim of Messrs. ucts of the outlying establishment are Briggs & Co. is to make a first-class brought together and finally united piano in every respect, with special into a beautiful whole, — the Briggs attention to its lasting qualities. By Piano. constant care, experiment, and en-

From a Boston contemi)orary the deavor, Messrs. Briggs & Co. have following facts have been collected : brought their instruments to the high- Among the houses which have con- est standard of excellence, and in the tributed to making this city an im- opinion of those who have used them portant centre in the production of they are the nearest approach to per- fection yet attained. The piano scales are drawn by Mr. C. C. Briggs, who has had practical experience in piano building for aquarter of a century? and his scales, drawn years ago for other firms, are in use to- day. The new style cases of this house are wholly original in ^design, and made of the most durable and ^ fashionable woods. Among upright styles are their famous cot- musical instruments is that of C. C. tage pianos, which, by thoughtful and Briggs & Co, To accommodate the patient study and experiment they increased demand for their instru- have brought to a wonderful degree ments, Messrs. Briggs & Co. have of perfection, securing a small piano removed from their former location, embodying the qualities of volume. No. 1125 Washington street, to their fulness, and sweetness of tone of commodious and substantial six story the larger sizes. Messrs. Briggs & factory, No. 5 Appleton street. This Co.'s separable piano is one of the enterprising firm manufacture several most ingenious inventions for facil- styles of upright, grand, and square itating the moving of the larger piano-fortes, with many new features sizes of pianos through passages and and improvements in the scales and doorways otherwise impassable. The styles, and the success of their instru- cases are each divided into two verti- ments and the commendation they cal sections front and back. The have everywhere received from deal- style A, cottage upright piano, has

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