Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 10.djvu/265

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77/ o m as Fo rsyt/i .


��Rev. Joseph S. Cogswell, the pies- in 1817. iiiid has always been in a

ent pastor, was born in Boscawen, highly tiourishing condition, and the

N. H., October 21), 1836; was in- larger part of the congregation are

stalled December 21, 1881, with members. Connected with it is a

pleasing prospects. valuable and largely patronized libra-

The Sundav-school was organized rv of 500 volumes.


Thomas Forsyth was born in Deer- cret dii)l()matic service of the French ing, Hillsborough county, New Hamp- Princes (179.')), who were suffering shire, September 1, 1776. His father exile. He afterwards became a cap- was Captain William Forsyth (see tain in the Royalist Emegres, and " Forsyth Family " in Vol. VIII, page served throughout the monotonous 251, of the Granite Monthly), and marches of that forlorn hope of exiled his motlier was Jane, daughter of royalty in Germany and along the James Wilson, of Chester, who was Rhine. As an officer in the foreign at one time surveyor of the highways guard he then entered the service of of Chester. Col. Robert Wilson, as Russia (1800), but abandoned the recorded in the article referred to, life of peril and hardship through was not the father of Jane, but was which he was passing to return to of the same family (Chase's History America in 1802. He had been dec- of Chester). Thomas Forsyth was orated with the Order of St. Louis sent while quite young to the north of for services rendered in the diplomatic Ireland in company with his older and military departments under the brother Robert, who afterwards enter- French Princes, and had published a ed the British army, and retired in jjolitical pamphlet entitled '•"La Di- 1802 as major of the 60tli Royal j)lo7natie cfune Frontiere." as Thomas Rifles, or 60th Foot, as they were Forsytli, Sieur de Fronsac, under then called. The county seat of the which name also he was decorated family was then in Hillsborough conn- with the Order of St. Louis, and serv- ty, province of Leister, Ireland, Hills- ed in the Emegres and in Russia, borough county, New Hami)shire, be- The town of Forsath, or J'orsyth, ing named after that of Ireland. twenty miles from Bordeaux, on the

Before he was twenty years of age Dordoyne, in France, from which, as an adventurous spirit took Thomas counts, the family had derived its into France, where the troublous state name, had been changed to Fronsac, of affairs was excited by the fumes of after it had suffered by the invasion revolution. Sympathizing with the of the Earl of Derby, from England, royalist party and anxious for distinc- in the 14th century; and this was the tiou, he, through the friendship and reason that Thomas Forsyth took the introduction of Henri, Marquis de name of Fronsac to his own, accord- Costa, obtained a position in the se- ing to a custom among the French

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