Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 10.djvu/322

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��Boundary Line.

��to cause His Majestys Commands in this behalf to be executed in the most effec- tual and expeditious manner, to the end that his Majestys Intentions for promot- ing the Peace and Quiet of the said Prov- inces, may not be frustrated or delayed. And they are to lay the said Draught before the Right Honorable the Lords of the Committee of Council for Plantation Affairs. —

(Signed) Temple Stanyan

No. ir.

Order of Committee of Council 9 April 1741

Indorsed (with petitions) Massachusetts Oreder of the Lords of ye Com- mittee of Council dated ye 9th of April 17-11 referring to this board ye Petition of Thomas Hutchin- son of Boston Esq. praying his Majesty to direct that the several Line Townships which by the Line directed to be run by his Majestys Order in Council of ye 9th* April 1740 will be cut off from the Province of Massachusetts Bay may be united to that Prov- ince.

At the Council Chamber White- hall

the 9th. of April 1741 By the Right Honorable the Lords of the Committee of Council for Plantation Af- fairs.

His Majesty, having been pleased by his order in Council of the 19th of Feb- ruai"y last, to refer unto this Connnittee the humble petition of Thomas Hutchin- son of Boston in his Majesty Province of Massachusetts Bay Esqr. humbly praying that His Majesty will be gracious- ly pleased to direct that the several Town- ships, commonly known by the name of the line townships, which by the Line directed to be run by his Majestys Order in Council of the 9th of April 1740, will be cut off from the said Province of Mas- sachusetts Bay may be United in that

��Province — The Lords of the Committee this day took the said petition, together with several others thereto annexed, from the said Township into Consideration, and are hereby pleased to refer the same to the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations, to examine into the said Petitions, and report their Opinion there- upon to this Committee

(Signed) Temple Stanyan.

Benning Wentworth to the Board of Trade 8th December 1742

Indorsed New Hampshire Letter from Mr. Wentworth Governor of New Hamp- shire to the Board, dated Portsmouth ye 8th December 1742

Bennino; Wentworth, it will be re- membered bv those familiar with the history of New Hampshire, was the first governor of the separate prov- ince of New Hampshire, and succeed- ed the deposed Belcher who had been governor of botli New Hampshire and Massachusetts Bay. Referring to the petitions of the inhabitants who had without their consent been summarily transferred from the jurisdiction of Massachusetts to that of New Hamp- shire, and who had petitioned the kino; to be returned to Massachusetts, Wentworth says, —

And unless it should be His Majesty's pleasure to put an end to Applications of this Nature, It will be impossible for me to carry his Roj'al Instructions into Exe- cution.

New Hampshire sits down by his majesty's determination, and has showed the greatest obedience thereto by paying the whole expense of run- ning and marking out the boundaries in exact conformity to the royal de- termination, and therefore thinks it a great hardsliip that Massacluisetts should lead them into any new charge, in a dispute that had subsisted near

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