Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 10.djvu/40

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3© The Old North Church of Concord.

We first will note our agricultural friend From Watanummon's brook at the " north end." All through the state have greedy grangers hung Upon the accents of his silver tongue. From classic Yale he came, and saw no harm To cultivate his fame and till his farm. 'Tis said he was presented to the queen As representative of grangers green.

We have with us an unpretentious man Who gives his time to study, thought, and plan. With stores of solid wisdom he is blessed, His high authority by all confessed. They like them most who know the Pillsburys best.

If in our title we should find a flaw, And were compelled to grapple with the law, We have with us a man of legal lore. Who knows not onlv law but something more : Of wisdom Justice Dana hath a store.

The best of men are sometimes rather small, The largest men are oft not good at all : We cannot judge of goodness by the size : We do not know, we hardly realize How much of good in Deacon Farnum lies.


��However, in our 3'onth we learned at school That some exceptions did but prove the rule : When nature builds on her most lavish plan, She often gives all virtues to the man : — Hath she not done so with good Captain Ann?

Of deacons we could have as many more, But as it is, we get along with four : There's Smith, and Morrison, and Ballard, too, Each one a Christian leader, tried and true. And still another, not yet quite so old. Modest and pure, and, if the truth were told, As true as steel, as good as Moulton gold.

Our youthful choir I hope are somewhere near, That they a word of honest praise may hear. Each of the singers hath a pleasing voice, And, when they sing in concert, make a noise Which hath a charm to sooth the savage ear,

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