Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 10.djvu/93

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Windham, N. H,


��being distinctly licartl in Windliam, thirty-tliree miles away. Her sons jningled in the deadly fray, and some sealed their devotion to American liberty and the rights of man with their blood. Tradition says that five of our soldiers were slain, but the name of only one — Thomas Collins — has come down to us.

The following men were in the fight : John Kincaid, William Duty, Joseph Park, John Montgomery, John Simpson (who had a part of his hand shot away), William Simp- son, Ephraim Kyle, Lieut. Abraham Reid, Alexander Brown, James Gil- man, Allen Hopkins, John Hopkins, P^benezer Mcllvaine, Thomas Wilson, William Clvde, David Gregg.

The following men were in the Continental service July 8, 1775: William Duty, Charles Annis, Mark Duty, Alexander Brown, John Jame- son, Abram Planet, Jacob Hadley, Jonathan Thompson, John Kinkead, William Mcllvaine.

The legislation of the town was patriotic. It was always in favor of the patriots. Their quotas of men and money were usually promptly furnished, and when a few wished to be freed from the soldier rates, they promptly voted not to excuse them.

The following persons signed the Association test, which was virtually a declaration of independence :


��Hugh Graham, Jr., William Gregg, Jr., Alex'r McCoy, John Campbell, Henry Campbell, Robert Park, David GregfT, William Gregg, David Gregg, Jr., Thomas Gregg, James Campbell,

��Jeffrey Donougli, James Gilmore, James Jameson, George Wilson, Moses Duty, James Dinsmoor, William Dickey, Andrew Park, Alex'r Park, William Thom, Timothy Ladd,

��Arthur Darrah,

�Timothy Ladd, Jr.,

�Alex. Gregg,

�Eliphalet Ladd,

�William Dinsmoor,

�Andrew Armour,

�John Cochran, Jr.,

�Robert Speer,

�Ale'x'r Simpson,

�Alex'r Richoy,

�John Jlorison,

�David Davidson,

�Adam Templeton,

�Nchemiah Hadley,

�Nath'l Campbell,

�Alex'r Wilson,

�Allen Hopkins,

�Hugh Brown,

�Thomas Wilson,

�James Caldwell,

�Daniel Mcllvaine,

�David Currier,

�George Davidson,

�David Armstrong,

�James Bolton,

�John Armstrong,

�John Anderson,

�Samuel Wilson,

�Joseph Clyde,

�Ebenzor Hall,

�John Dinsmoor,

�John Kyle,

�John Simpson,

�Hugh Clyde,

�William Simpson,

�John Wilson,

�Samuel McAdams,

�Simon Williams,

�Isaac Thom,

�Peter Merrill,

�Benjamin Thom,

�Peter Merrill, Jr.,

�Robert Mcllvaine,

�James Wilson,

�John Clyde,

�Alex'r Richey,

�Alex'r Park,

�Hugh Graham,

�Joseph Smith,

�John McCoy,

�James Richey,

�Thomas McCoy,

�Alex'r Morrow,

�James Davidson,

�John Cochran,

�Samuel Campbell,

�James Cochran,

�William Shed,

�Robert Dinsmoor,

�Henry Campbell, '

�William Rowell,

�Nathaniel Hemphill

�William Jameson,

�Rob't Hemphill,

�Isaac Cochran,

�Gawin Armour,

�Thomas Jameson,

�John Morrow,

�David Hopkins,

�John Miller.

�Robert Smith,

� ��State of New Hampshire

Windham Aug. the 26th 1776. To the Honorable Committee of .Safty of this State the foregoing Request hath been Punctually ob- served. Notwithstanding Lent Abram Reid, Matthew Reid, Amos Merrill, hath Refused or Neglected to sign the foregoing Declaration.

Alex'r Wilson, \

Sam'l Morison, \ Selectmen.

Nehemiah Hadley, )

On the 1st of December, 1775, Gen. Sullivan, in command at Win- ter Hill, sent an urgent request to New Hampshire for troops, to take the place of some Connecticut troops whose term of service had expired. Eleven Windham men rallied at this call. Among them wereCapt. James

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