Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 5.djvu/151

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��Saturday, Nov. 14, 1778. This morn- ing begins with rainy weather, cleared up at 10 A. M., wind S. W. Strucli; top gallant masts, and put the rigging in the store. Got down to|) mast steering sail booms and put them on board the Durkingfield. Returned the gondelow. Two labourers and six caulkers employ- ed on ship's duty; wind X. W., ends with cold weather.

Sunday, Nov. 1.5, 1778. This morning begins with cold weatlier, wind N. N. W. Had several snow squalls, latter part cold, wind N.

Monday, Nov. 16, 1778. This morn- ing begins with clear weather, wind N. AV. People employed stripping the ship and landing the rigging at ]Mr. Wood- bury Langdou's store. Seventeen la- bourers, six caulkers and two carpen- ters employed on ship's dut}'-; latter part of this day wind N. N. W.

Tuesday, Nov. 17. 1778. This morn- ing fair and pleasant, wind N. \Y. Peo- ple employed fixing the rigging and landing the gunners' and boatswains' stores. Seventeen labourers and eight caulkers employed on ship's duty. The cartel sailed for New York; middle and latter part fair weather.

Wednesday, Nov. 18, 1778. This morning begins with thick, rainy weath- er, wind N. E. People employed in the rigging loft, and cleaning the ship's hold. Nineteen day men and eight caulkers employed on ship's duty- middle and latter i)art of this dav rainy weather.

Thursday. Nov. 19.1778. This morn- lug begins with thick, cloudy weather, wind S. E. People employed iu the rigging loft and in landing some of the gunners' and boatswains' stores. Nine- teen labourers, six caulkers, two car- penters employed on ship's duty; latter part of this daj^ begins with snow, wind N. E.

Friday, Nov. 20, 1778. This morning begins with clear cold weather. Twen- ty-eight people employed, six caulkers, 2 cai-penters, six riggers. fourteen sailors; landed and stored in C"ol. Langdon's ware- house 182 i^igs of lead, 2 spare yards and 1 spare top mast, 1 ditto driver boom at Mr. Noble's mast yard; landed 20 muskets and bayonets. Mr. Parker carried over the main rigging to the

��ship. The middle and latter part o^ tliis da\' cold, the wind at north.

Saturday, Nov. 21, 1778. This morn- ing fair and pleasant, the wind N. E. Cold weather. The riggers at work in the loft. The people emplo}red rigging the ship. The carpenters and caulkers at work on her sides. The middle and latter part cold and clear, the whid N. E.

Sunday, Nov. 22. 1778. This morning fair, cold, and clear weather, hard frost, the wind at X. B. N. X".; the middle and latter part cold and clear weather.

Monday, X^ov. 23, 1778. This morn- ing fair and cold, the wind at N. W. Fifteen people employed in rigging the ship and landing some of the stores; the middle and latter part of this day fair and pleasant, the wind at W. S. W. Tuesday, X'^ov. 24, 1778. This morn- ing fair and cold, the wind at north. Twenty-three people euiployed rigging the ship and landing stores. Viz,: 3 tons bread stored in Col. Langdon's yellow store. C'hurch Hill. Carried our top mast rigging over to the ship. The middle and latter part clear and cold, the wind at X. W.

Wednesday, Nov. 25, 1778. This morning clear aud cold, the wind at N. W. Twentv-four people employed rig- ging the ship, and bringing the svatei- casks over to the coopers to repair. The carpenters employee! on bow netting rails. The middle and latter part fair, wind at N. W.

Thursday, Nov. 20. 1778. This morn- ing begins with clear w(>ather, the wind X^. W., cold. The people employed in rigging the ship and transporting our sails athwart the river to Col. Langdon's sail-loft at Church Hill. Cot the fore and main top masts up. Middle and latter part of this day clear and cold, the wind at W. X". W.

Friday, Xov. 27, 1778. This morning fair and clear, the wind at west. The ])eopl{> emi)loyed on our sails and rig- ging the caulkers on the ship's sides. The middle and latter part clear weather, the wind at AV. X. W.

Saturday, X^ov. 28, 1778. This morQ- ing fair and pleasant, the wind at W. N. W. The people em])lo3'ed in rigging the ship. Got our top gallant masts up.

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