Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 5.djvu/272

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Tuesday, Feb. 2, 1779. Winds and weather much the same as the day past. Scraped and payed the bowsprit, bent our top sails and top gallant sails, fore sail, fore stay and mizzen; reefed new braids for the mizzen. Expended forty fathoms batline for reef and head earings for our top sails and fore sail. Received on board 2.50 cwt. damaged bread.

Wednesday, Feb. 3, 1779. Winds from S. W to W., the first and middle part of this twenty-four hours; the latter part northwardly winds and pleasant weather. Bent our main top gallant stay sail, middle and main top mast stay sails and jib. Received on board sixty muskets with bayonets. Whitewashed and dryed our magazine. Received a new middle stay sail. Down hale and jib, out hale.

Thursday, Feb. 4, 1779. The former part of this twenty-four hours wind north, and from N. to S. W., the latter part of the day. Bent the main sail, main top mast stay sail and middle ditto. Reefed new main bowlines, main top mast stay sail, brails and clewlines. Finished tarring the sides.

Friday, Feb. 5, 1779. Strong gales at N. W., and cold. Down top gallant yards and masts. Received on board our small sails. People employed about sundry necessary jobs.

Saturday, Feb. 6, 1779. Pleasant gales at N. W., fair weather. The people employed clearing the storerooms. Received on board 26 half barrels, 6 whole ones, and 2½ kegs powder. Got up top gallant masts and yards, and at sunset got them down. Received on board one coil 1½ inch, some junk, one barrel beef and two bundles iron hoops.

Sunday, Feb. 7, 1779. The fore part of this twenty-four hours the wind at N. W., with snow; latter part pleasant. People employed clearing the decks.

Monday, Feb. 8, 1779. All this twenty-four hours fine pleasant weather, the wind at N. E. Hauled both cables up and coiled them on the fore castle. Employed clearing ship's hold to look at the water. Started five small casks of water to till up the ground tier. Received forty pigs of lead aft to keep the ship in trim.

Tuesday, Feb. 9, 1779. Wind from south to S. W., with rain and snow. Completed the hold and coiled down the cables. Delivered the sailmakers ten yards ticklingburg, also six yards to mark staples, by Capt. Simpson's order.

Wednesday, Feb. 10, 1779. Foggy, winds and southwardly weather. Stored our kedge and steam anchor. Received on board two top masts, a spare main yard; also ten bushels potatoes came alongside our cutter from the boat-builders.

Thursday, Feb. 11, 1779. Cloudy weather throughout this twenty-four hours, and cold wind from S. W. to N. B. W. Received on board three hogsheads water. Employed stowing and lashing our booms. Fixed tripping lines for top gallant yards, fifty fathoms bowline.

Friday, Feb. 12, 1779. All this twenty-four hours fine pleasant weather, tile wind at S. S. W. Employed getting our stern anchor on board and getting all clear to go down. Received on board 3 hhds. water. ⅔ barrel of peas, 2 top gallant masts, and a new stock for a stern anchor. Found our stern cable to be chafed against the rocks.

Saturday, Feb. 13, 1779. Fair and pleasant weather throughout this twenty-four hours, wind variable from W. S. W to N. W. At nine a. m., cast loose from Moffat's wharf and came to sail at ¾ past nine; anchored with best bower in Pepperel's Cove. Veared out and moored our small bower ⅔ of a cable each way. The light house bearing south ¾ eaat. Fort Washington W. N. W. ½ W. Kittery Meeting House, bearing- north ¾ west. Distance from shore ½ mile.

Sunday, Feb. 14, 1779. The fore and middle part of this twenty-four hours light airs and variable with rain and sleet. Came in a sloop gandolope bound to Newbury. Latter part small breezes at N. W., and a thick fog. Broached a hogshead water. Read prayers.