Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 5.djvu/292

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was but one pauper at first to be disposed of. The record shows that it was "Voted that Mrs. Fuller be maintained the ensuing year by the person who will do it for the least sum, and to have the use of her cow and two sheep, her bed and bedding and clothing ; and was struck off to Benjamin Kidder at thirty-four cents per week, exclusive of doctors' bills."

At a meeting of the legal voters of the town, duly called for the purpose, in October following, in accordance with the custom then in vogue, a grand juror and two petit jurors were drawn to serve at the November term of court at Haverhill ; and these first Bristol jurors were as follows ; grand juror, Moses W. Sleeper; petit juror, for first week, Robert Brown ; second week, Nathaniel S. Berry.


From the organization of the town to the present time the offices of mode- rator, town-clerk, and representative to the general court, have been held as follows :

Moderators. — Jos. Flanders, 1820-21-22-23 ; Robert Smith, 1S24-25-26 ; Nathaniel S. Berry, 1827-28; Walter Sleeper, 1829 ; Robert Smith, 1830-31- 32; Nathaniel S. Berry, 1833-34-35-36-37-38; Walter Sleeper, 1839-40; Samuel C. Brown, 1841-42-43-44-45-46-47-48-49-50 ; Oscar F. Fowler, 1S51 ; S. P. Farwell, 1852 ; A. J. Wright, 1853 ; Frederick Bartlett, 1854 ; Cal- vin Swett, 1855 ; George Tenney, 1856-57-58 ; Samuel K. Mason, 1859 ; Wil- liam A. Berry, 1860-61-62-63-64-65-66-67-68-69-70-71-72-73 ; Samuel E. Holden, 1874; David P. Prescott, 1875-76 ; Benjamin F. Perkins, 1877- 78 ; William A. Berry, 1879-80.

Town-clerks. — James Minot, 1820-21-22-23-24 ; Philip Webster, 1825-26 -27-2S ; Samuel C. Brown. 1829-30-31-32; Solomon Cavis, 1833-34-35; S.S.Worthing, 1836-37-38-39; William L. Chase, 1840-41; Levi Bartlett, 1842-43-44-45; J. N. Darling, 1846-47-48; Hadley B. P'owler, 1849-50; George M. Cavis, 185 1 ; G. W. Ligalls, 1852 ; George M. Cavis, 1853-54 ; David E. Everett. 1855-56-57-58; Marshall VV. White, 1859-60; John Ma- son, 1861 ; Marshall W. White, 1862-63 ! Levi D. Johnson, 1864-65 ; John P. Taylor, 1866-67-68-69-70; Richard W. Musgrove, 1871-72-73 ; Charles H. Day, 1874; Allen W.Bingham, 18.75-76-77-78-79; Richard W. Musgrove, 1880-81-82.

Representatives. — James Minot, 1820; Moses W. Sleeper, 1S21 ; Walter Sleei:)er, 1822 ; Moses H. Bradley, 1823-24 ; Joseph Flanders, 1825 ; James Minot, 1826 ; Joseph Moor, 1827 : Nathaniel S. Berry, 1828 ; Walter Sleeper, 1829-30; Joseph Moor, 1831-32; Nathaniel S. Berry, 1833-34; S. T. W. Sleeper, 1835-36 ; Nathaniel S. Berry, 1837 ; S. T. W. Sleeper, 1838 ; Samuel C. Brown, 1839-40 ; Robert VV. Moor, 1841-42 ; Levi Bartlett, 1843-44 ; Sam- uel H. Stevens, 1845-46 ; Amos Brown, 1847-4S ; Nicholas Dolloff, 1849-50 ; Frederick Bartlett, 1851; Oilman Ingalls, jr., 1852 ; no election in 1S53 ; Warren White, 1854-55 ; Calvin Swett, 1856-57 ; no election in 1858 ; Joseph V. Rollins, 1859 ; Frederick Bartlett, 1860-61 ; Jeremiah A. Haynes, 1862-63 ; Cyrus Taylor, 1864-65 ; Levi Locke, 1866-67 j Samuel K. Mason, 1868-69- 70; David ^Tason, 1871 ; David Mason, David Galley, 1872; David Calley, 1S73 ; no election in 1874; David Mason, Philip S. Drake, 1875; Philip S. Drake, Edwin S. Foster, 1876; Edwin S. Foster, Calvin H. Mudgett, 1877; Calvin H. Mudgett, Marshall VV. White, 1878 ; William A. Beckford, 1880.


Thcrf^ are three churches in Bristol — Congregational, Methodist and Free Will Baptist. The Congregational society was incorporated in

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