Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 5.djvu/368

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��119. Judge John Gilman was born in Hiiigham. Xort'olk, Jan. 10, 1G24 and "25 ; I'ied June 30, 1057; died in Exeter, Jul}"^ 24, 1708; emigrated in 1038; after liv- ing in Hinghani, Keliobotli, and Ips- wicli, removed to Exeter in 1048 ; in lum- ber and milling business; leading man; selectman in 1052, and several years af- ter; eouucillor for province of New Hampshire in 1080; speaker of the House in 1693 ; Gihnanton was granted to his descendants principally.

120. Elizabeth Trevvorgie was born in 1639; died in Exeter, Sept. 8. 1719. When the provost marshal went to her house to collect taxes levied by Gov. Crantield, without consent of the assem- bly, she said " 1 have provided a kettle of scalding water tor you, if you come to mj' house to demand rates. She had sixteen cliiidren.

121. Chief Justice Peter Coffin, of Do- ver and Exeter, was born at Brixliam. Devon, in 1031; married before 1657; died at Exeter, March 21, 1715 ; was a c(nincilloi' and chief justice of the royal province of New Hampshire; in 1008, was fined £50 for selling a lot of rum Vi'hich made one hundred Indians of Penacook drunk. One of them kill- ed an Englishman there and was shot for it. Tahanto, a Sagamore, wished to have this liquor poured on the giound. In 1089 a grandson of Passaconaway, the last Sagamore of Penacook. captured Judge Coffin's gar- rison at Dover.

122. Abigail Starbuck was born in Dover, and died in Exeter after 1080.

123. Capt. Jonathan Thing, of Exeter, was born in 1054. possibly at Wells, Me ; married first, July 20, 1077, and second, Martha, daughter of John Denisou. of Ipswich, and widow of Thomas Wigg; was accidentally shot, Oct. 31, 1094, by liis own guu, wliile liding with two others in the woods of Exeter.

124. Mary Gihnan was born in Ex- eter, Sept. 10, 1058, and died there in August, 1091.

125. Nathaniel Stevens was born at Salisbury, Nov. 11, 1045; of Cochecho, 1000 ; Dover neck 1075 ; married first,

.before 1072, to a Mary, who died, and second, Dec. 20, 1077.

12(). Mehitable Colcord, of Hamp- ton.

��159. Edmund Gale was born in Eng- land, and died in Boston, July 29, 1042.

100. Perhai)s a sister of Henry Bar- tholomew, of Salem.

101. Daniel Bacon, son of Capt. Mi- cliael; of Dedham, 1040; of Charles- town; projector of Woburn; Newton, 1609; died Sept. 7, 1691.

��162. Mary Read, of Bridgewater, daughter of Thomas, of Colcbester, Es- sex; died in October, 1091.

103. John Swett was born and mar- ried in England; early settler of New- bury, and died there before May, 1665 ; father of Capt. Benjamin, the hero of Scarborough, Me.

164. Pluebe , died at Newbury,

May 6, 1665.

105. Thomas Smith, a weaver, from Romsey, Hampshire, arrived in Boston in 1035 ; lived in Hampton and New- bury ; married before 1039 ; died April 22, 1000, in Newbury.

100. Rebecca .

167. Robert Clements, jr., of Haverhill, son of Judge Robert Clements, was born in Coventry, Eug., in 1625; married in Haverhid. Dec. 8, 1652; died there in 1712; first cooper there.

168. Elizabeth Fawne, daughter of John and Elizabeth Fawne, of Ipswich; died at Haverhill, ilarch 27, 1715.

169. Thomas Ayer, of Haverbill, sou of John and Hannah Ayer; uuxrried April 1. 1050; died Nov. 9, 1686.

170. Elizabeth, daughter of John and Frances Hutchins ; Jolin was the richest man in Haverhill in 1650 ; Frances was presented at court for wearing a silk hood.

171. Dr. Joseph Peaslee, of Salisbury; died in Amesbury, Dec. 3, 1660 ; a gifted layman, continually forbidden to preach, and fined ; many friends of religious lib- erty fined for supporting him ; success- ful farmer; estate £3o0; ancestor of Gen. Charles H. Peaslee, M. C, collector of Boston, Prof. Edmund R. Peaslee, M. D., LL. D., and John G. AVhittier.

172. Mary , died after April 12,

1664; too lively with lier tongue to suit the I'uritans.

173. Thonuis Barnard, of Salisbury; married before 1645, and killed at Ames- bury before 1667, by Indians.

171. Eleanor ; married second,

July 19, 1081, to George Little, of New- bury; alive Nov. 27, 1094.

175. Thomas Carter, if a passenger by the " Mary and John," 1633 and '34, was born in 1609, and a servant of George Giddings. of St. Albans, Herts. Of Ips- wich. Sudbury, and Salisbury; married 1640, and will, 1676 ; ancestor of Gen. Lewis Cass.

176. Mary .

183. Roger Eastman, carpenter, of Salisbury. Mass., of Scotch origin, was born near Salisbury, Wiltshire, in 1613 ; in 1038, when he emigrated, a servant of John Saunders, of Langford, Wilt- sliire ; married 1639, and died in Salis- bui-y, Mass., Dec. 16, 1694. From this humble man descended Daniel and

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