Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 5.djvu/372

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peal to Gov. Winthrop he secured Andover for his friends. Mather called him a "subtil statesman," and "our St. Hilary." Butler wrote in Hudibras —

" There lived a cobbler, and but one,
That out of doctrines could cut use,
And mend men's lives as well as shoes."

Another says, "A minister of extraordinary talents and learning, as well as a profound lawyer and statesman." Upon a woman fond of dress, he wrote, "I look upon her as the very gizzard of a trifle, the product of a quarter of a cypher, the epitome of nothing, fitter to be kick't. if she were of a kickable substance, than either honored or hu-mored." He also wrote, in 1646. "Cursed be he who maketh not his sword stark drunk with Irish blood."

236. ---- ---- died in England about 1633.

237. Nicholas Edmunds, of Aikham. Kent.

239. Edward Oilman was born about 1587, in Hingham, Norfolk; was son of Robert and Mary Gilman, and grandson of Edward and Rose (Rysse) Gilman, who were married at Caston, June 22, 1550. He is supposed to be descended from Cilmin Troed-dhu of Glynllison of Wales, 843. He married in Hingham, England, June 3. 1614; was a grantee of Rehoboth. In 1643 his estate was £300. After 1652 he went to Exeter, where he died, June 22, 1681, aged ninety-four years, being the only one in this list, known to have lived over eighty-nine years; ancestor of ex-Gov. John T.; Prof. Chandler R.; U. S. Senator Joseph, and President D. C. Gilman, LL. D.; Capt. Joseph L. Folsom, founder of San Francisco, and worth eleven million dollars; President S. G. Crown, LL. D.; Miss Sarah O. Jewett; and the wives of Rev. Joseph P. Thompson, D.D.. LL. D.; Joseph G. Cogswell, LL. D.; Com. John C. Long, U.S.N.; and Judge John Went- worth.

240. Mary Clark was born in England and emigrated, in 1638. to Hingham, Mass.

241. James Treworgie, supercargo, was born before 1614. in Cornwall; married before 1639; bought land at Piscataqua in l635, and died in Newfoundland before 1651.

242. Catharine Shapleigh. daughter of Alexander, of Totness, Devon, merchant, and agent of Sir Fernando Gorges, and joint owner with Arthur Champernowne of the "Benediction," of Dart-mouth; married second. Edward Hil-ton, the father of the settlement of New Hampshire, who left £2204; she died in Exeter, May 29, 1676.

243. Tristram Coffin was born in Brixham. Devon, in 1605. and died in Nantucket, Oct. 2, 1681; son of Peter and Joanna (Thumber) Coffin, grandson of Nicholas and Joan Coffin, and great grandson of Nicholas, whose will was proved at Totness. Nov. 16. 1601. Joanna, mother of Tristram, died in Bos-ton, and hers was the first public funeral of a woman in New England. Tristram was married in England; emigrated to Salisbury in 1642; witness that year to Indian deed granting Hav-erhill; of Newbury. 1648; Salisbury, 1655; and purchased with others, in 1659, nineteen twentieths of Nantucket.

244. Dionis Stevens, daughter of Robert of Brixham; arrested for selling beer at 3d., but let off when she proved she used fifty per cent more malt than others. Her family was as good as her beer; ancestor of Lncretia Mott and Sir Isaac Coffin.

245. Elder Edward Starbuck. of Dover, was born in Derbyshire, in 1604; emigrated before 1643; a man of substance in land and body; representative in 1643 and 1646; baptist; emigrated with some Quakers, in an open boat, in 1659 to Nantucket; magistrate of the Island, and died there. Feb. 4, 1690 and '91; his wife, Catharine, joined him in 1660.

246. Eunice Reynolds.

247. Capt. Jonathan Thing was born in England. in 1621; of Ipswich; Wells, Me., 1653; and of Exeter; publicly whipped for violence; "friend and countryman" of Thomas King, who willed him, March 11. 1666 and '67, one third of two thirds of his estate; commissioner to try small causes for Isle of Shoals, 1655 ; under four indictments at once, for acts of resistance to civil and religious tyranny; possibly a co-native with Samuel Greenfield of Norwich, Norfolk, of with Henrv Moulton of Ormsby, Norfolk; died in 1674.

248. Joanna ----; alive Sept. 25, 1674.

249. Judge John Gilman. See 119.

250. Elizabeth Treworgie. See 120.

251. John Stevens; of Salisbury, 1639; Dover. 1662; and died. Jan. 13, 1688 and '89; married before 1639.

252. Catharine ----; died in July, 1682.

253. Judge Edward Colcord was born about 1615, in England; married before 1640; of Exeter, 1638; Dover, 1642; Hampton, 1645; Tingmouth, Devon, 1646; and died in Hampton, Feb. 10. 1681-82; commissioner to end small causes; in lawsuits most of the time; fined in 1646 for perjury; was employed in 1629, by Rev. John Wheelwright, to purchase