Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 5.djvu/84

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��heavy with a high sea, reefed our cour- ses, wore ship anrl set them ; broaohe 1 a cask of water of 110 gallons, which had leaked one third out ; moderate, set the reef out of the main sail, and set the mizzen stay sail.

Wednesday, Oct. 7. 1778. A hard gale and a large sea from the north- ward. Set the main top sail close reefed, let a reef out of the fore sail ; at twelve set close reefed fore and mizzen top sails, handed ditto ; fresh gale, no obser- vation.

Thursday, Oct. 8, 1778. Fresh gale; sail maker mending sails; set the fore and mizzen top sail ; ends with clear weather and a moderate breeze.

Friday. Oct. 9, 1778. Fresh gales and showers of i-ain, moderate. AVore ship to the westward, out reefs and set the light sails ; liy:ht airs of wind, up top gallant yards ;' delivered fifty pounds of candles to the Providence.

Saturday, Oct. 10. 1778. Sent four cask on board the Providence, which they filled with water, quantity 168 gallons ; scrubbed the sliip's bottom ; delivered the Boston one barrel of pork and one firkin butter; sail maker era- ployed mending the sails, tacked ship; liglit air and. variable.

Sunday. Oct. 11, 1778. Shifted the main and main top sail ; delivered to the Providence 6 cwt. 2qr. •201b. of bread and one firkin butter ; a light breeze, set all sail; handed top gallant sails.

Monday, Oct. 12. 1778. Cloudy, fine breeze; blows fresh, liand jib and main top mast stay sail ; at four handed top sails ; at ten handed courses and lay too under mizzen stay sail ; saw sail and gave chase.

Tuesday, Oct. l.S, 1778. Squally, strong gales ; set main sail ; more mod- erate, set main and fore top sails; set jib, out reefs, set single reefed top sails and stay sails ; sent up top gallant yards and set sails; Cape Ann, bore W. B. N., 72 N.. 57 leagues.

Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1778. Came up with the chase, which ]:)roved to be our prize the snow Adventure; bent both our cables. Set main top mast steering sails, handed down ditto; set top gal- lant sails, small sea ; light airs and hazy weather; saw a sail to the N. N. W. ; Cape Ann, bore W., 18 lemrncs distaiite

Thursday, Oct. 15. 1778. Pleasant, light airs and pleasant weather; SPt steering sails below and aloft; li!i,-ht winds and variabl(\ down steering sails; thick fogofy weatlier; sounded, had ground 120 fathoms; sounded, 110 fath- oms muddy ground, thick fog; fired sig- nal guns.

Friday, Oct. 10, 1778. This morning

��begins with thick foggy weather; at 2 p. M., saw Cape Ann, bearing W. S. W., about seven leagues distant ; at 6 P. M., set steering sails below and aloft, bore away for Piscataqua harbour , at 9 p. m., came to anchor at Great Island, in com- pany with the Providence and Boston ; hoisted out the jolly boat ; the captain went up to town; cleared ship, dryed some of our liglit sails.

Saturday. Oct. 17, 1778. This morn- ing begins with fair weather; hoisted out the cutter; gave liberty for twenty- five of the hands to go to town to see their wives ; received on board 400 weight beef; loosed our sails to dry, cleared hawser; people employed clear- insj: ship, handed sails; saluted the forts with 13 guns.

Sunday, Oct. 18, 1778. This morning fair and pleasant (wind S. S. W.) ; six coasters arrived here from the eastward ; near 50 of our hands absent from the ship ; moored ships, captain came on board; the Sullivan Pi ivateer arrived here this evening. Captain Thomas Dalling, commander.

Monday, Oct. 19, 1778. This morning fair and pleasant; tarred our sides; sent Lieutenant Wallingford's trunks &c., ashore; two prizes, a brigand a Snow, arrived liere ; the latter part fair and pleasant. (Wind S. S. W).

Tuesday, Oct. 20, 1778. This morn- ing fair and pleasant (wind S. S. W) ; loosed our sails to dry, cleared hawser ; most of our people absent from the ship ; a schooner from New York, with a cartel of 22 prisoners, arrived here; handed sail. (Wind W. S. W).

Wednesday, Oct. 21, 1778. This morn- ing fair and pleasant (wind N. W) ; a pilot came on board to pilot the ship up to town; unmoored, got both anchors to the bows, came too with the small bower ; heavy squalls ; sot down top gallant yards; at 9 A. M., sent Sergeant Ricker, with four marines, on board the Cartel, to relieve the Commodore.

Thursday. Oct. 22. 1778. This morn- ing fair and pleasant (wind N. N. E.) ; at 6 A. M.. the Providence and Boston hove up and came to sail, bound to Boston ; at 7 weighed our anchor and went up to town ; saluted with 13 guns; let go our anchor in the stream ; at slack tide warped in alongside of the prize ship DiH'kinijfield ; received a gondelow from Captain Tobias Lear, for ship's use.

Friday. Oct. 23. 1778. This morning fair and pleasant; employed landing stores.

Saturday, Oct. 24, 1778. This morn- ing fair and pleasant; the first part em- ployed in washing sliip, the latter in landino; stores.

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