Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 5.djvu/93

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��29. Abigail Wentwortli was born Februaiy 12, 1723, and died October 17, 1798. This was cue of several matri- monial alliances between the Wentworth and the liollins families.

30. Hon. Ichabod UoUiiis. the young- est son of Jeremiah, was born in 1722 ; was a member of the Kevolutionar}^ Con- vention of 1775 and 1776, which resolved itself into an independent State govern- ment. During the war a stock of powder and balls kept as a reserve were stored in his house by vote of the town and the committee of safety. He was Judge of Probate for Stratford County from 177(5 to 1784, and was Councillor in 1789. He married. 2d, Margaret, wid- ow of Hon. Jos. Frost, a descendant of Nicholas Frost. He owned slaves, and lived where Hon. William VV. Rollins lived his whole life, in the town of Rol- linsford. He died in 1800.

31. Lj^dia Storer. of Wells, Maine.

32. Samuel Sewall was born in 1088; he was an elder in a Congregational clmrch. His second wife was Sarah Bachelor ; they were the parents of nine chldren, one of whom was Hon. David Sewall, the first United States District Judge of Maine, whose mansion is still standing in York, Maine. He died in 1768.

33. Sarali Wainwright was born Julj' 17, 1682. and died Juiie 5. 1714.

34. Hon. Chai'les Frost was born April 17, 1678 ; was the father of ten children ; was Judge of Probate for York Count}', Maine, and died Decem- ber 17, 1724.

35. Ruth Marshall lived in Woburn, Mass. ; was the mother of four daugh- ters and one son, Josiah. She died in 1736. Dr. Marshall Spring was named for the family of Ruth Marshall, and Marshall S. Shapleigh for Marshall Spring.

36. Josiah Converse died in 1717. Dr. Josiah Converse, of Watertown, son of Josiah, and brother of Keziah, was a physician for fifty years. Marshall Spring was his student, executor, and successor, living in his house after his death.

37. Lydia Cutting was born Septem- ber 1. 1666.

38. Henry Spring was born in 1662 ; was married in 1685 ; was the father of nine children, of whom Henry was the third; and died in 1749.

39. Mercy.

40. Samuel Parker lived in Newton, Massachusetts.

41. Mary.

42. Edward Jackson was born in 1672 ; lived in Newton, Massachusetts, and died in 1748. His youngest son, Jona-

��tlian, graduateil at Harvard College in 1733, and died in Kittery, Maine, in 1736.

43. ]Mrs. Marj^ Horn, probably widow of William Horn, who lived near Heard's Garrison, in Dover, and was killed there in 1689, was married to John \V^aldrou, August 29. 1698.

44. John Waldron was a relative of Major Richard ^Valdron, of Dover, who for many years was in command of the forces of New Hampshire, and who was killed by the Indians in 1689.

45. Hannali Wheelwright was born in 1674; was married at Wells, Maine, September 18, 1712. and died in 1755.

46. CJiptain Elisha Plaisted was ac- companied from Portsmouth by a full escort of friends, who were present at his marriage. The ceremony was inter- rupted by an attack from a large body of Indians, which was repulsed. After the marriage the settlers made an attack upon the Indians, when the bridegroom was led into an ambush, captured, and aftei- wards ransomed by the payment of £300. In 1714 he was representative from Berwick.

47- Martha Langdon was born March 7, 1693 ; was married Juh^ 7, 1715. She was an aunt of Gov. John I^angdon.

48. Major Nicholas Shapleigh was born in 1680. When his father was killed by the Indians, Nicholas was car- ried captive by them to Canada, where he had his fingers cut ott" by them. He was one of the founders of the church at Elhot.

49. Mary Leighton, sister of Eliza- beth, who married Benjamin Wentworth. Ses No. 53. this registry.

50. Paul Gerrish lived in Dover ; was i-epresenative several years, and died in 1743.

51. Elizabeth.

52. John Carr was born in 1684. He had three children, of whom the oldest was Moses.

53. Ehzabeth Leighton, sister of Mary and daughter of Jolm and Oner (Lang- don) Leighton. See No. 49.

54. Benjamin Wentworth was born in 1691, and lived in Rollinsford, near Quamphegan bridge. He died while a member of the legislature, in 1724-25.

55. Elizabeth Ham was born in Dover, January 29, 1681.

56. Jeremiah Rollins lived in Rollms- ford. where family of Hon. William W. Rollins, lineal descendants, now live. The homestead has been in the family for one hundred and fifty years. He was one of the petitioners for the incor- poration of the parish of Somersworth, in 1729 ; was a slave holder, died in 1768, and was hurried on the farm.

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