Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 7.djvu/373

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The gift of invention is often a that the rest of his generation are curse to its possessor ; it rules with a too Wind or lame to keep up with his rod nf iron, its rewards are slow and pace or understand his innovations? uncertain, while poverty and despair History teaches that a successful are its companions. Thackeray, in invention is seldom a sudden creation, " The Rose and the Ring," tells us but a growth, or a result of the inves- of a sensible fairy who grew tired of tigations of several at the same time whirring about from one kingdom to an- indifferent countries. The record of other upon her black stick, conferring the steam engine is a good example, favors and charms which spoiled the If asked who invented the steam en- tempers of her god-children, and in- gine, you would say James Watt ; but stead of a flying jacket or a Fortuna- among the relics of ancient Egyptian tus purse, would lean over the cradle civilization we find a MSS. of Hero, a and say: "As for this little lady, or learned man of that time, in which a this young prince, the best thing I can number of primitive forms of water wish is a little misfortune. This may and heat engines are described. He be true enough for the individual, but invented an engine B. C. 200. utilized inventors, like missionaries, usually by the Greek priests to move appara- have a wife and a dozen children, who tus in their temples. are the real martyrs, without the glory. In 1615, we find that a Frenchman,

Then what a cold shoulder the stu- Salomon de Caus, who had been an

pid world turns upon these toiling engineer and architect under Louis

benefactors. A man who invents or XIII of France and also the British

originates or boldly ventures from the Prince of Wales, published a work at

beaten path, because impelled to do Frankfort, " Les Raisons des Forces

so, is sneered at and considered a Mouvantes avec diverses Machines,"

lunatic, by wise fools, who have not a etc., in which he illustrated his propo-

glimmer of his genius. Think of " the sition, " Water will by the aid of fire,

starry Galileo with his woes." His mount higher than its level." De

noblest discoveries were denounced Caus was one of the many martyrs to

as crimes which merited the vengeance science.

of Heaven. The test was too severe There is a letter in existence, writ-

for his principles, and, when tried be- ten by Marion de Lorme, in 1641,

fore the Inquisition, he humiliated describing her visit to the Bicehe,,

and perjured himself, thus rejecting the celebrated madhouse of Paris,

the crown of martyrdom and placing She says : " We were crossing the

the lasting stain of a lie on his noble court, and I more dead than alive

name. with fright kept close to my compan-

When we say a man is in advance ion's side, when a frightful face ap-

of his age, what does it mean, but peared behind some immense bars^

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