Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 8.djvu/363

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Tilt on, New Hampshire.


��was formerly a member of the firm. He represented Littleton two years in the Legislature, and Northfield one year.

Daniel E. Hill has been the postmas- ter since 1877. For some years before

��William B. Fellows, son of Col. Enoch Q. Fellows, formerly of the 3d and 9th New- Hampshire Volunteers, of Sand- wich, was born July 5, 1858 ; was edu- cated at New-Hampshire Conference Seminary, Dartmouth College (class



��that he was county commissioner for Merrimack County. He owns the best farm in Northfield (on Bay Hill), of a hundred and fifty acres.


Charles C. Rogers, Esq., the legal adviser of Tilton, has been in town many years.

��1880) ; studied law with Hon. E. A. Hibbard ; was admitted fall term, 1883 ; settled in Ashland one year ; coming November, 1884, to Tilton, taking the practice of W. D. Hardy. In 1881 he was sergeant-at-arms of the Senate ; private secretary of Senator Pike, Forty- eighth Congress ; now clerk of commit- tee on claims. Married, Nov. i, 1881,

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