Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 8.djvu/88

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��Hon. Rodney Wallace.

��Amicos." In the foreground was a pedestal surmounted by a bust of Ari- adne, flanked on each side by growing grapes, with two Roman altars burning incense through the entire evening.

On the left centre wall was a large painting representing Antium, the home of Nero and Temple of Fortuna, with the Appollo Belvidere on a pedestal in the foreground, flanked with two stand- ing vases with burning mcense. Above the painting was the motto " Gaudea- mus Igitur," resting on a gilt lyre and torch. MedaUions representing Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter sur- mounted the draperies on this side of the hall.

One of the most admired features of the decorations was the design on the floor at the right of the stage. A ped- estal, some ten feet high, was sur- mounted by a beautiful specimen of the American eagle. On either side of the eagle was a perfect flag made of natural • flowers — violets, carnations and tube roses — with a shield of similar flowers in the centre. The entire pedestal was banked by pots of growing plants — in- cluding palms, dracinas, ponisettas iia full bloom, etc.

The dining room was also handsomely decorated with flags, draperies and flow- ers, while the table itself was elegantly laid with exquisitely decorated china and silver, and ornamented by beautiful bouquets, candelabra, and epergnes. Supper was served through the entire evening, guests entering at the right from the reception apartment and pass- ing through to the west side of the hall."

The completeness of all these ar- rangements were largely due to the taste and energy of his son, Mr. Herbert I. Wallace, who had the whole matter in charge.

In 1884 Mr. Wallace was chosen del- egate from this district to the Republi- can Convention held at Chicago in June, which resulted in the nomination of James G. Blaine and John A. Logan. Like most of the delegates from Massachusetts, Mr. Wallace was in

��favor of Senator Edmunds of Ver- mont. But when he saw that Mr. Blaine's nomination was inevitable, he joined in making it unanimous. He did not go with those who bolted the nomination, because it was not his first choice, but he supported it \vith his purse, his voice, and his vote, as appears from the following synopsis of a brief address which he made at a rati- fication meeting, held in the City Hall, Fitchburg, July 11, 1884, which I clip from the Filchburg Senthiel of the next day :

"Ex-Mayor Merriam. Chairman of the committee, called the meeting to order, and said the audience had as- sembled to hear the report of the two delegates to the Republican national convention. The Chairman then intro- duced Rodney Wallace, who was most heartily applauded as he arose to speak.

Mr. Wallace, who was one of the delegates from this district to the Re- publican convention, said his first choice for President was the able statesman from Vermont, Senator Edmunds, and his second choice was President Arthur, who has given us such an excellent ad- ministration. The Massachusetts del- egation, almost without exception, worked hard to secure the nomination for Mr. Edmunds, but it was impossible for that convention to nominate any- body but James G. Blaine. Nobody can describe the enthusiasm through the entire convention for Blaine. The California delegation bore a banner in- scribed "From Maine to California, tlirough Iowa, all for Blaine," and, in my opinion now, Mr. Blaine is the strongest man in the Republican party. When the motion was made to make the nomination unanimous, not a voice was raised against it. I believe he will be elected in November and will give us a strong and safe administration."

The writer does not know whether Mr. Wallace considers his political life ended. He certainly has no longing.

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