Page:The Grateful Dead.djvu/211

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The Lifting of the Bride. M. Longworth Dames: Balochi Folklore. A. Lang: The Origin of Totem Names and Beliefs. A. Lang: Australian Marriage Systems. Collectanea, Correspondence, Reviews, &c.

51. Folklore of the Musquakie Indians with a Catalogue of a Collection of Musquakie beadwork and other objects. By Miss M. A. Owen. [In the Press.]


52. Folk-Lore, Vol. XIV. (Issued quarterly.) [Published at 20s.] E. W. Brabrook: Presidential Address. E. S. Hartland: The Voice of the Stone of Destiny. H. A. Junod: Folklore of the Ba-Thonga. M. Longworth Dames: Folklore of the Azores. A. Lang: Notes on Ballad Origins. F. T. Elworthy: A Solution of the Gorgon Myth. J. J. Aitkinson and A. Lang: The Natives of New Caledonia. A. B. Cook: Greek Votive Offerings. A. J. Peggs: The Aborigines of Roebuck Bay, Western Australia. Sh. Macdonald: Old-World Survivals in Ross-shire.

53. County Folk-Lore, Vol. IV. Printed Extracts No. 6. Examples of Printed Folklore concerning Northumberland, collected by M. C. Balfour, and edited by N. W. Thomas. [Published at 10s. 6d.]


54. Folk-Lore, Vol. XV. (Issued quarterly.) [Published at 20s.] E. York Powell: Presidential Address. Eleanor Hull: The Story of Deirdre. Arthur and Gorlagon, translated by F. A. Milne, with Notes by A. Nutt. R. Marett: From Spell to Prayer. A. B. Cook: The European Sky-God. J. Rendel Harris: Notes from America.

55. Jamaican Song and Story. Annancy Stories, Digging Sings, Ring Tunes and Dancing Tunes. Collected and Edited by Walter Jekyll. With an Introduction by Alice Werner, and Appendices on Traces of African Melody in Jamaica by C. S. Myers, and on English Airs and Motifs in Jamaica by Lucy E. Broadwood, xxix-288 pp. [Pubhshed at los. 6d.] .

56. Folk-Lore, Vol. XVI. W. H. D. Rouse: Presidential Address. E. Westermarck; Midsummer Customs in Morocco. R. P.