Page:The Great Secret.djvu/204

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num seemed to be a weak superfluity. The game would be in his own hands if Dennis could keep from that fatal draught.

Yet it required the deadliest sign of the order to stop that worthy as he snuffed in the rare perfume and raised the glass to his lips. As it happened, his eyes caught those of his superior at the right moment, and, with a heavy sigh, he emptied his glass secretly at his side, and waited with cheeks a shade paler. To have disobeyed that sign meant death.

Bat the captain, who was free from duty that night, and the second mate quaffed deeply, while the ladies sipped like artful canaries. The doctor didn't fear much from them. They were fairly seasoned casks; besides, they did not require to be too sober on this night, for the first mate and the third were to be the favoured swains, and they must be made amorous and docile.

"Qui va la!" he said quietly to them, and these fair dames understood. It was the word of the sentinel; they were to be on the alert and on guard.

"There is too much for us here in this bowl, captain. Send for the officers on deck to share with us," whispered the princess into the captain's ear.

"I guess they will enjoy a liquor," answered the captain a little thickly, for he had quaffed deeply, "and there won't be much to watch this night, I calculate, with this catspaw of a wind."

"Let us take up the grog for the men on watch," replied both ladies, laughing gaily, and the honest but half-drunk skipper gave his assent.

Then the two fair dames, filling out a large bumper each, left the cabin and went up to the poop, where the mates were promenading. These worthy mariners wel-