Page:The Greek Anthology, Vol. 1.djvu/19

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1898. Anthologiae Græcae Erotica. The Love Epigrams of Book V. of the Palatine Anthology, edited, and partly rendered into English verse, by W. R. Paton.
1899. An Echo of Greek Song. Englished by W. H. D. Rouse.
1901. Rose Leaves from Philostratus and other Poems. Written by Percy Osborn.
1903. Paraphrases and Translations from the Greek. By the Earl of Cromer.
1907. A Book of Greek Verse. By Walter Headlam.
[Translations from and into Greek.]
1908. Poems from the Greek Anthology. Attempted in English verse, by G. H. Cobb.
1911. Greek Love Songs and Epigrams from the Anthology. By J. A. Pott.
1913. ________ Second series.
" Ancient Gems in Modern Settings. Being versions of the Greek Anthology in English rhyme by various writers. Edited by G. B. Grundy.
[Many versions are contributed by the Editor and Mr. Pott.]