Page:The Greek Anthology, Vol. 1.djvu/45

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BOOK I. 38-44

38.—On the Same

The manger is Heaven, yea, greater than Heaven. Heaven is the handiwork of this child.

39.—On the Shepherds and Angels

One dance, one song for men and angels, for man and God are become one.

40.—On the Birth of Christ

The manger is Heaven, yea, greater than Heaven, for He whom it received is the King of the Heavenly ones.

41.—On the Magi

No longer do the Magi bring presents to Fire and the Sun ; for this Child made Sun and Fire.

42.—On Bethlehem

Receive Him, Bethlehem, Him who, as the good prophet foretold, would come from thee to be the Ruler of all peoples.

43.—On Rachel

Why mournest thou, Rachel, shedding bitter tears? Because I see my children slain I shed tears.

44.—On the Annunciation

Hail, Maiden, full of grace, most blessed, Bride immaculate, thou shalt have in thy womb a Son conceived without a father.