Page:The Greek Anthology, Vol. 1.djvu/57

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BOOK I. 80-86

80.—On John the Apostle

John the Divine high-priest of Ephesus, was the first who said from God that the Word was God.

81.—On the Same

John first heard the Word speak and himself said that the Word was God.

82.—On the Same

John, having reached the house of heavenly wisdom in which God is well pleased, said that the Word was God.

83.—On Matthew

Matthew wrote in his pages, after leaving the house of the publican, all the high marvels of the Incarnation of God.

84.—On Luke

Luke wove skillfully into the vitals of the volume the deeds of Christ which brought about eternal life.

85.—On Mark

Night no longer covers the people of Egypt, as its name signifies, since it received the light of the voice of Mark.

86.—On St. Basil

Basil had for his lot the virginity and wisdom of John, having in this a like lot with Gregory.