Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 09.pdf/328

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Bench Wit in New York City.


BENCH WIT IN NEW YORK CITY. NEW YORK'S new State Constitution reverse him. How many judges are as made radical changes in the matter of tenacious of their opinions as a contentious consolidating many courts having special wife who has an obstinate husband? names but which possessed nearly equal pow The Supreme Court of Judicature in Lon ers with the Supreme Court. These, by that don possesses its twelve judges; but that of instrument, were all annexed to the latter. New York City its nineteen, with the Rory Consequently, in the city of New York, the O'More luck of odd numbers in its favor as courts of common pleas, dating from co against the English bench. New York City Supreme Court judges are lonial times, and the superior court, sixty years old, disappeared, with the result that always favorite and star guests at public ban all their judges became Supreme Court quets, and there is not one in whose favor judges, and two of the former lost the much could not be sung at those the convivial coveted title of chief justice. Courts of chorus of " For he's a jolly good fellow." Oyer and Terminer also became obsolete, There is not one of these nineteen but can and criminal law divisions took their place. be classed as either humorist or wit, and without any sacrifice of dignity. Perhaps in The transferred judges, however, were con fined to jury or equity trials and orders at that respect Judge Roger A. Pryor might be chambers, while only the old-time Supreme dubbed primus inter pares. His repartees, always appropriate and in place, are height judges could sit in the interlocutory appel late courts peculiar to each judicial district. ened in effect by his almost preternatural To these appellate divisions were awarded countenance, in which the smiles seem fairly weirdlike. Judge Sedgwick is noted for dry the discretion of allowing or disallowing ap peals to the highest State court of appeals, wit, and therein Judge Smyth shares. Judge and therefore subject to growls from the Van Brunt is master of sly but unwounding lawyers who were forbidden a last appeal; sarcasm. Judge Andrews is a quippist. growls to the effect that the interlocutory Judge Joseph F. Daly shares with his appellate judges, when nice points were made brother — the famous theatrical manager — in a case, would, from motives of pride, de drollery of ideas. Judge .Barrett is addicted cline to award the risk of having their de to humorous paradox. Judge Patterson al cisions reversed. One journalist made a ways wears a smile, and would keep it even pretty clear case of such a declination, in an if he were sentencing to the electric chair, action of his own, wherein, after the decision and is given to irony. Judge O'Brien has was made against him, an unreported opin doubtless inherited the wit of a long line of ion of the highest court was discovered, Irish witty ancestors. The wit of Judge Law which directly contravened the opinion from rence is caustic and apposite. Judge Beach which he desired to appeal. The refusal to delights in a humorous antithesis. Judge appeal on the new citation stated by him Bischoff seems to chaff one with the eyes be created much professional gossip not com hind his spectacles. Judge Ingraham is a plimentary to the judges below. This power jokist, and could edit a comic periodical if of refusal is regarded as a pretty despotic invited to. Judge Dugro is master of pun one; for not every judge is a Chief-Justice ning. Judge Gildersleeve is a humorous Mansfield or Chase, strong enough to either raconteur; while Judges Gicgerich, Bookreverse himself, or give others a chance to staver and Beekman merely reserve the right