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The Green Bag.


who improves herself assiduously, being quick to observe and to adapt herself to new conditions, are graphically depicted, and one feels that such types are faithful representations of certain phases of our American life. One of the daughters, who is ambitious like the mother, marries a nobleman who makes her life miserable; and the other, who is charming and lovable, shows the true American spirit in that she marries the man she loves, in spite of his poverty, and "lives happy ever after." The story is interest ing and well written, and well adapted to make an idle hour pass pleasantly. Messrs. Houghton, M1ffl1n & Co. have just pub lished two volumes of short stories which will appeal to those who are looking for interesting summer reading. The Queen of the Swamp1 contains a dozen or more of Miss Catherwood's charming tales, many of which embody phases of American life which have about entirely passed away They are all admirably written. In Tiverton Tales*, Alice Brown excels herself as a delineator of New England life and char acter. Humor and pathos are skilfully blended in these sketches, and the reader finishes the book wish ing that instead of twelve stories there had been doubly the number. Messrs. Hardy, Pratt & Co., of Boston, have just issued, under the title of The Versailles Histor ieal Series, a collection of memoirs, correspondence and letters of noted persons belonging to the different European courts. Graphic descriptions are given of court life, state secrets, and the private sayings and doings of royalty, etc. The series is made up of The Memoirs of the Due de Saint-Simon; The Me moirs, Letters and Papers of the Prinee de Ligne; The Correspondenee of Madame, Prineess Palatine, and The Book of the Ladies, by Pierre de Bourde1lle. The translation has been entrusted to Miss Katharine Prescott Wormeley, who has done her work with marked ability. The volumes are superbly illustrated, and the work will appeal to every lover of good books. The edition is limited to eight hundred num bered sets. 'The Queen of the Swamp, and Other Plain Americans. By Mary Hartwell Catherwood. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Bos ton and New York, 1899. Cloth, $1.25. 3 T1verton Tales. By Alice Brown. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston and New York, 1899. Cloth, $1.50.

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