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The Green Bag.


"Dr. North and His Friends." An article that takes the reader far afloat is John Burroughs's first paper on the Harriman expedition to Alaska and Behring Sea. Of this adventurous party were John Muir, of glacier fame, and R. Swain Gifford, the painter, who is one of the illustrators. Another out door paper is Maurice Thompson's " In the Woods with the Bow "—a breezy account of hits and misses in shooting at game birds, with humorous pictorial comment by Miss Cory.



No recent publication is likely to make so pro found an impression upon the reader as Mr. James Lane Allen's The Reign of Law? Popular as have been his previous works, the author in the present volume has excelled himself, and the book will take its place among, the highest achievements of our American writers. The story records the growth of a strong mind, benighted by early teaching, into the scientific conception of the universe. " Those who still adhere to the old creeds will condemn its teach ing, and yet the book is religious in a high degree, and in nothing more than in its tribute to doubt." The work is already in its fourth edition and many more will follow before the extraordinary demand for it is satisfied. W. Carew Hazlitt has just completed his history of The Venetian Republic, its Rise, its Growth and its Fall, which is published in America and England by the Macmillan Company. The time embraced is from 421 to the abrupt ending of the Republic in 1797, and the work is in two octavo volumes. Mr. Hazlitt has traced step by step the metamorphosis of the barren stretch of sand into the political centre which for so long led the civilized world in manufac tures, arts and sciences, and which remains perhaps of all cities the most fascinating in its architecture.


THE LAW IN ITS RELATION то PHYSICIANS. By ARTHUR N. TAYLOR, LL. В., of the New York Bar. D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1900. Cloth. The object of this work is to place within the reach of every physician a systematic treatment of those questions of law which present themselves most fre quently in his ordinary professional work, and which 'THE REIGN .OF LAW, a tale of the Kentucky Hemp Fields. By James Lane Allen. The Macmillan Co. New York, 190x3. Cloth. 81.50.

he may at any moment be required to know. The author discusses •• The right to practice medicine and surgery," •• Contract of physician with patient," "Contract of patient with physician," - Rights and liabilities of third parties," -Right to compensa tion," •• Recovery of Compensation," '• Civil Mal practice,1' •• Criminal liability," and " Privileged communications." The book is one of value to practicing physicians and to the legal profession as well.

NOTES ON THE UNITED STATES REPORTS, Vol. VII. A brief chronological digest of all points determined in the decisions of the Su preme Court. With notes. Showing the in fluence, following and present authority of each case, as disclosed by the citations. Compris ing all citing cases in that court, the interme diate and inferior Federal Courts, and the Courts of last resort of all the States. By WALTER MALINS ROSE of the San Francisco Bar. Bancroft-Whitney Co., San Erancisco, 1900. Law sheep. $6.50. This volume covers the cases reported in 8-16 Wallace. We have already expressed our high ap preciation of these •• Notes," and to those of our readers who are not familiar with this series we can only say that they should become so at once. We know of no work from which the practicing lawyer will derive more valuable assistance.

JEWETT'S MANUAL for election officers and vo ters in the state of New York. Matthew Bender, Albany, New York, 1900. Law sheep. $2.00. This is a complete work on election matters, in cluding all the general laws and constitutional provis ions of the State of New York relating to elections, with forms, annotations and instructions. Election officers, candidates, state officials and the courts have long recognized it as the authority on election mat ters. The following is a brief statement of con tents : The General Election Law, Primary Election Law, Penal Code Provision, Constitutional Provis ion, Town Meeting Law, School Election Law, Metropolitan Election Laws, Soldiers' and Sailors' Election Law. Provisions Relating to Naturalization and Citizenship, Provisions Relating to Elective Officers, their terms of office, qualifications, etc., and a complete description of the Senate, Assem bly, Congressional, Judicial and School Commission Districts of the State. Reliable forms are given, also the important court decisions.