Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 22.pdf/101

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Memorandum in re Corpus Juris

strengthening the great vital force in our civilization, — law and government,

"Explorations in Turkestan, with an Ac count of the Basin of Eastern Persia and Sistan";

our system for administering Justice.

Contrast the importance of the prepar ation and publication of the American Corpus jun's, under some such plan as outlined in this Memorandum, with the preparation and publication of such

literary and scientific works as the fol lowing, which I cull from the last bulletin of the Carnegie Institution of Washing

"The Vulgate Version of the Arthurian Romances"; “Determinative Evolution in the Color Pattern of the Lady Beetles";

"Traditions of Arikara"; "Researches on North American Acridiidaz";

"The Origin of a Polydactylous Race of Guinea-pigs"; "American Fossil Cycads"; "Variation and Correlation in the Crayfish."

ton, that of October 11, 1909, which

recently drifted into my oflice:

The above of course represent but a

"Heredity of Coat Characters in Guinea pigs and Rabbits"; "Investigation of Inequalities in the Motion of the Moon produced by the Action of the Planets"; "Catalogue of Stars within Two Degrees of the North Pole"; "The Fossil Turtles of North America." “The Pawnee Mythology"; “Egyptological Researches"; “Inheritance in Poultry"; “Heredity of Hair Length in Guinea-pigs and its Bearing 0n the Theory of Pure Gametes"; “Research in China";

small proportion of the activities of the Carnegie Institution, which is doing so much along scientific and literary lines,

yet they do represent a large expendi ture of money now gone forever from the income of the Foundation, without expectation of return other than through the good which will result from the pub— lications. Great as is the indebtedness of civilization to the patient and pains taking researches of science—so well ex

emplified by the above—-both in their direct and indirect application to the comfort and culture of mankind, yet I

“Rhythmical Pulsation in Scyphomedusre ";

reiterate that such activities as those enumerated in no way compare in im

“The Roman Comagmatic Region"; "A Revision of the Pelycosauria in North Amerim"; "The Fauna of Mayfield’s Cave”;

lication of a great System of American


for administering Justice—“ the great


Movement of


Plants”; “Coat Patterns in Rats and Guinea-pigs"; "Mythology of the Wichita"; “Inheritance in Canaries"; "Traditions of the Caddo"; "Bibliographic Index of North American Fungi";

portance with the preparation and pub Law, our Corpus juris, that our system interest of Man on Earth " and the vital force in our civilization-may be made stronger and better,—-a thing which

must be done if real Justice is to continue to be administered in America through the decades and centuries soon to be upon us.

Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia.