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The Green Bag

general principles involved to be readily comprehended. Terse, clear and sen sible, the book has much to recommend it to the federal bench and bar. A full index and list of cases add much to the effectiveness of the book.

When the Judicial Code goes into effect, at the end of this year, there is no doubt this volume will find a wel

come place amongst the lawyers of the federal courts throughout the country. NOTES The New York State Library Yearbook of Legislation for 1908 (v. 10), edited by Clarence B. Lester, Legislative Reference Librarian, is made up of three bulletins. Legislation 37 gives the seventh annual Digest of Governors‘ Mes sages, covering all regular and special messages made by Governors of all states from October 1, 1907, to October 1, I908. The message of the

Governor of Porto Rico is digested, also topics in the President's message.

The annual series

of these digests is discontinued with this num ber, but the Review of Legislation will continue

to cover two years in each number. Legislation 38 gives the nineteenth annual Index of new legislation. References to fifty statutes declared unconstitutional during the year are included. Legislation


the Review


edition I am taking final leave of a work which is intimately incorporate with the studies. lucu brations and labors of so many years." In the interval since its first edition. Judge Dillon, who is now seventy-nine years of age, has successive ly served as Chief Justice of the Iowa Supreme Court, judge of the United States Circuit Court, president of the American Bar Association and professor in the Columbia University Law School.

BOOKS RECEIVED The Proceedings of the thirty-fourth annual meeting of the New York State Bar Association. at Syracuse. January 19-20. 1911. is a volume of inter est chiefly because of the discussions that it con tains of several topics of great importance. such as. for example, iuance of shares of stock without par value. abolition of imprisonment in civil actions. appointment of receivers under the bankruptcy act. contingent fees, committment and discharge of insane criminals, the Torrens system of land registra tion, revision of the Code of Civil Procedure, and the regulation of medical expert testimony. The de hates and committee reports on these subjects are

worth reading. The volume also contains several notable papers read at the meeting, the most im portant being Judge Rodenbeck's extended discus sion of the best way to improve upon the Code of Civil Procedure. other papers being: "The Reform of Procedure," by Hon. Elihu Root; "How can we Improve Our Courts?" by Adelbert Moot; and "Concerning Certain Essentials of Republican Government" (annual address). by Hon. George V. Wickersham. The next annual meeting of the association will be held in New York City.


the most valuable feature, perhaps, of the Yearbook, contains a number of articles by competent writers, and sets forth the develop ments of statute law classified by important subjects. (81.) Little, Brown 8: Co. of Boston are publishing a fifth revised and enlarged edition of "Dillon on Municipal Corporations." In speaking of his great treatise, which was first published in one volume in 1872, when its author was a judge of the Supreme Court of Iowa, its author says: "Over forty-five years have elapsed since the preparation of the ‘Municipal Corporations’ began, and more than thirty-eight years since its first publication. It is, therefore, not only a child, but the companion of the greater part of a prolonged professional career. Any justifiahle satisfaction I might feel in its success is some what subdued, if not saddened, by the sombre, although not melancholy, reflection that in this

A Philadelphia Lawyer in the London Courts. By Thomas Leaming. Illustrated by the author. Henry Holt 8: Co., New York. Pp. 199 (index). (32-) A Practical Medical Dictionary. By Thomal Lathrop Stedman, A.M., M.D., editor of "Twen tieth Century Practice of Medicine" and of the Medical Record. William Wood 8: Co., New York. Pp. 988+ 10 (appendix). (Thumb-indexed. $5, plain. $4.50.) The Law of Street Railroads: a complete treatise on the law relating to the organization of street railroads, the acquisition of their franchises and property, etc. By Andrew J. Nellis. 2d ed. Matthew Bender 8: Co., Albany. V. 1. pp. clxxx, 654; v. 2, pp. ix, 688+ 159 (index). (813.) Constitutional Law in the United States. By Emlin McClain, LL.D., Justice of the Supreme Court of Iowa. sometime Lecturer on Constitu tional Law at the State University of Iowa. author of "A Treatise on the Criminal Law," compiler of “A Selection of Cases on Constitutional Law." American Citizens Series. 2d ed. Longmans, Green & Co., New York and London. Pp. xrxviii, 365 + 53 (appendix of documents) + 14 (index).