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The Green Bag

more extensive knowledge of the bewil dering mass of American and British law books, or was so competent an expert in this field. He early made an exhaus tive and authoritative study of editions of the old Year Books.2 Through his trips to England he gained methodical and accurate knowledge of editions of old reports and abridgments, and librarians found his advice in the matter of purchases of invaluable aid. At a time when the advent of modern con ditions of business competition had not yet rendered such a thing impossible, he made of his business a profession, and a learned profession. He was far above any imputation of self-seeking. His "Lawyers' Reference Manual of Law Books and Citations," which appeared in 1883, was a unique work in its field. Vari ous publications issued by his firm set high standards in legal bibliography, and have been of great assistance in helping the selection and distribution of works, old and new, of approved scholarship and accuracy. As Dean Wigmore has testified to Mr. Soule's high and honorable aims as a law publisher, and services to legal authorship in this country, we will not add anything to what he has expressed in terms of such warm gratitude and esteem. "His personal geniality and enthusiasm meant more for the encour agement of legal literature than any mere commercial genius could achieve." His scholarly tastes and accomplishments made him the friend and helper not only of law librarians but of deserving authors. "A particular service to the profession" was rendered through his undertakings to publish, for the American Bar Asso ciation, the Bulletin and Codes of the Comparative Law Bureau, and for '"Year Book Bibliography," 14 Harvard L. Rev. 557 (1901).

the Association of American Law Schools the Modern Legal Philosophy Series. Mr. Soule was born in Boston in 1843, and was the son of Richard Soule, one of the compilers of "Soule's Synonymes," and the compiler also of a dictionary. His mother was Harriet Winsor of Duxbury, Mass. He was prepared for col lege in the Brookline High School and was graduated from Harvard in the class of '62. Enlisting with the 44th Massa chusetts, he later became captain in the "55th," the second of the two Massa chusetts colored regiments. One who was with him in the service speaks of him as "a model officer, brave, enter prising, helpful, considerate of his men, courteous toward his associates, and in all respects above reproach." Captain Soule was slightly wounded in the arm at Honey Hill but remained under fire. After the war, he was one of a commis sion superintending labor contracts be tween planters and freed negroes, being stationed at Orangeburg, S. C. Mr. Soule engaged in the law book business in St. Louis for a number of years, being from 1869 to 1878 a mem ber of the firm of Soule, Thomas & Wentworth. He was one of the founders of the University Club of St. Louis, and married Louise C. Farwell of that city. Returning to Boston he became in 1878 a partner in the long established law book firm of Little, Brown & Com pany. This connection lasted until May, 1881. Mr. Soule in that year formed a partnership with James M. Bugbee for the purpose of publishing and deal ing in law books. The firm was located first at 12 Court street, Boston, and later at 37 Court street. The late Professor Ames's Cases on Bills and Notes was one of the first publications to be announced. In October, 1884, the partnership was dissolved and Mr. Soule moved the