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The Green Bag

several hundred members of the con temporary bench and bar of California and of obituary notices of a few other recent leaders of their profession . About one-third of the book, however, consists of some prefatory chapters on the history of the legal profession in California. The author was a college-mate of the late Thomas B. Reed, and they taught school in California after their gradua tion from Bowdoin College until the close of the war, when Mr. Reed went back to his home in Maine. From his long residence in California, the author is thus able to write of earlier conditions with intimate knowledge, and he has absorbed a large amount of anecdotal and reminiscent lore of his profession, which makes his pages entertaining. Some of the most interesting of these stories deal with the way justice was administered in a rough frontier com munity. INDERMAUR AND THWAITES' EQUITY A Manual of the Principles of Equity: A con cise and explanatory treatise intended for the use of students and the profession. By John Indermaur and Charles Thwaitcs. 7th ed., by Charles Thwaitcs. Solicitor. George Barber, London. Pp. xxxii, 515 + 46 (appendix of statutes) + 56 (index). (20.9.) THE treatise of Indermaur and Thwaites, designed primarily for the use of students, but incidentally for the use of the profession to a minor extent, is distinguished by great clear ness of statement, and the American lawyer may find it serviceable if he desires to ascertain the English doctrines of any branch of equity. The work has been brought down to date in a careful new edition revised and in part rewritten, which cites over 360 cases that did not appear in the preceding edition. Tulk v. Moxhay, which has occasioned considerable discussion, is treated in the chapter on injunctions.

The inclusion of the text of the Trustee and EDUCATION Partnership Acts ANDis aCITIZENSHIP convenience.

The Relations of Education to Citizenship. By Simeon E. Baldwin. (Yale Lectures on the Respon sibilities of Citizenship.) Yale University Press, New Haven; Oxford University Press, London. Pp. 171 + 6 (index). ($1.15 net.) THIS book constitutes the ninth volume of Dodge Lectures de livered at Yale University on a founda tion the object of which is to promote among "educated men of the United States an understanding of the duties of Christian citizenship, and a sense of personal responsibility for the perform ance of those duties." The subject covered by the title of Governor Bald win's lectures suggests the opportunity for a thoroughgoing appraisal of the purposes underlying our system of education, or for a critical survey of our institutions of higher education. Neither of these tasks is attempted; on the other hand the author has pro duced a series of desultory and rather commonplace discourses, embellished with literary allusiveness and aptness of comment, but thin in substance. DONOVAN'S MODERN JURY TRIALS Modern Jury Trials and Advocates: Containing Condensed Cases, with Sketches and Speeches of American Advocates; The Art of Winning Cases and Manner of Counsel Described, with Notes and Rules of Practice. By Judge Joseph W. Donovan. Fourth revised edition, enlarged. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York. Pp. xxi. 719. (84.50.) A MOST interesting book and one which it is a real relaxation to read is the latest edition of Judge Joseph Donovan's "Modern Jury Trials." Although it contains many examples of that ornate oratory which has wellnigh vanished from the court room, it is full of striking arguments, clever