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The Legal World of American Law Schools will have its first session on Sept. 2, at 3 p.m. The Comparative Law Bureau will hold its annual meeting Sept. 2, at 3 p.m. The American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology will convene Sept. 3, at 2.30 p.m., in the New Banquet Room of the Windsor Hotel. Louisiana. — The annual meeting of the Louisiana Bar Association was held at New Orleans April 11-12, President Joseph W. Carroll delivering the open ing address. Judge Robert H. Marr dealt with negro suffrage and the ease of constitutional amendment in "A His torical Review of the Constitution of Louisiana." "Each successive state Constitution provides an easier and speedier means of amendment than did its predecessor, until at last we have almost a referendum. Since the adop tion of the Constitution of 1898 ninetysix amendments have been proposed and more than half of them adopted." The constitutional convention of 1898, said the speaker, was concerned chiefly with the elimination of the negro as a voter; as the two amendments to the federal Constitution were never legally passed there was no reason why they should not be violated. Various phases of the law of the state with regard to corporations were discussed in papers presented by John H. Overton of Alexan dria, Paul H. Kramer of Franklin, Ber nard Titche of New Orleans, E. H. Ran dolph of Shreveport, and Johnston Arm strong. John Dymond urged codifica tion of the corporation laws. On the next day W. A. Blount of Pensacola made an eloquent address deploring popular dissatisfaction with and unfounded criti cism of the courts, and opposing radical projects such as the recall of judges. The committee which had investigated the notarial system reported in favor


of abolition of statutory limitations on the number of notaries. In the report of the committee on uniform state laws some attention was given to the subject of sterilization of confirmed criminals and degenerates. A successful banquet closed the meeting. The officers elected are: Benjamin W. Kernan, president; Charles McCoy of Lake Charles, David M. Evans of Madison Parish, E. T. Weeks of New Iberia, and Purnell M. Milner of New Orleans, vice-presidents; and Charles A. Duchamp, secretarytreasurer (re-elected). Utah. — The Utah Bar Association held its annual social session in Salt Lake City April 19. Judge J. E. Booth of Provo gave an interesting talk on the practice of law in the territorial days. W. S. Dalton of Salt Lake told a number of stories about criminal procedure in the police court of Salt Lake City. Her bert MacMillan, chairman of the execu tive committee, gave a short talk and Judge T. D. Lewis and Judge M. L. Ritchie of Salt Lake spoke. American Society of International Law The seventh annual meeting of the American Society of International Law was held at Washington, D. C, April 24-26. The meeting was opened by Senator Elihu Root's presidential ad dress, read in his absence by Dr. James Brown Scott, secretary of the Society. This paper dealt with Francis Lieber and his achievements in the field of international law. Many addresses were made at the sessions dealing with the Panama Canal controversy, but it was noticeable that few speakers of note took the ground that the Hay-Pauncefote treaty was not violated or that the dispute was not arbitrable. Crammond Kennedy of the bar of the