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The Green Bag

former," and says: "He had a keen intellect that never leaned to tech nicality, a dignity and courtesy that no untoward incident could disturb and a readiness to listen that was all the more noteworthy because of his own economy in words."

Hallett, Judge Moses, died April 25, in Denver in his seventy-ninth year. He was born in Galena, Ill., and was admitted to the bar in Chicago in 1858. He went to Colorado in 1860 and was a member of the Territorial Council, 1863-65; Chief Justice, 1866-76, and District Judge, 1877-1906.

Henderson, John Brooks, formerly United States Senator from Missouri, and author of the Thirteenth Amend ment to the Constitution of the United States, died at Washington, April 12, aged 86. Born in Virginia, he went to Missouri as a boy, became a school teacher and studied for the bar. After his admission he was elected to the state legislature and originated many of the Missouri railroad and banking laws. He was one of the Republican Senators voting for the acquittal of President Andrew Johnson. A few months later the Missouri legislature refused to re-elect him to the Senate.

Keener, William Albert, LL.D., formerly Justice of the New York Supreme Court, Story Professor of Law at Harvard, and later Dean and Kent Professor in Columbia Law School, died in New York, April 22, aged 57. He was born at Augusta, Ga., and was graduated from Harvard Law School in 1887. At Columbia he lectured chiefly on equity and corporations. He was the author of a "Treatise on Quasi-Contracts" and editor of "Cases on Contracts," "Cases on Quasi-Contracts," "Cases on Corporations" and "Cases on Equity Jurisdiction." He was active in the practice of law at 115 Broadway.

Llandaff, Lord (Henry Matthews), who acquired a commanding position in the English courts as an alert and eloquent advocate, before he joined Lord Salisbury's administration as Home Secretary in 1886, died in London, Apr. 3. He was born in Ceylon in 1826, educated in France and at the University of London, and called to the bar at Lin coln's Inn in 1850. He took silk in 1868 and entered Parliament in the same year. As a barrister he appeared in many causes célèbres, including the Tichborne civil trial. He was a man of rare social and conversational gifts, and of extensive knowledge of foreign systems of law.

Magill, Edward W., Judge of Common Pleas Court No. 1, in Philadelphia, died Apr. 20, at the age of 55. He received his legal education at the University of Pennsylvania law school, and had no political backing in his candidacy for the bench, receiving the appointment on his merits as a lawyer.

McWhorter, Henry C., for eighteen years Justice of the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia, and long Chief Justice of that Court, died at Charles ton, W. Va., Apr. 15.

Read, John R., member of the Pennsylvania Constitutional convention of 1872, and former United States Attorney and Collector of the Port of Philadelphia, died May 2 at the age of 70. He was known as one of the leading Democrats of Pennsylvania and had taken a prominent part in national conventions of the party.

Tuck, William Henry, former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of New Brunswick, died Apr. 8 at St. John, aged 83.