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Reviews of Books poetry. "Nothing to Wear" is, I think, as clever as any verses of society written in English except those of Praed. He was not the equal in ludicrous rhymes of Barham, the author of the "Ingoldsby Legends," or of Hood in extraor dinary punning verse, nor was he the equal of either Lowell or Holmes in this country in purely humorous poetry, or perhaps of John G. Saxe in rhyming facility. But with these exceptions I think that it would be difficult to name any writer of his time in England or this country that has excelled him in his own special line.


the law of contract which cannot hence forthSTREET be disregarded. RAILWAY LAW

A Treatise on the Law of Street Railways, em bracing urban, suburban, and interurban, surface, sub-surface and elevated roads, whether operated by animal power, electricity, cable or steam motor. By Henry J. Booth, of the Columbus bar. 2d ed., revised and enlarged, by Isaac C. Sutton and Paul H. Denniston of the Philadelphia bar. T. & J. W. Johnson Co., Philadelphia, 1911. Pp. cxi (table of cases), 797 + 124 (Index). ($6.50 net. delivered.) Street Railway Reports Annotated. Vol. VII, reporting the electric railway and street railway decisions of the federal and state courts in the United States. Edited by Austin B. Griffin of the Albany bar and Arthur F. Curtis, Delhi, N. Y. Matthew Bender & Co., Albany. Pp. 948 + 74 (index). (85).

BRANTLY ON CONTRACTS Law of Contract. By William T. Brantly, Reporter of the Court of Appeals of Maryland; author of the "Law of Personal Property," etc., formerly Professor of Law in the University of Maryland. 2d ed., revised and enlarged. M. Curlander, Baltimore. Pp. 466 + 39 (table of THE first edition of Booth on Street cases: + 55 (index). ($4 net.) Railways appeared in 1892. Its IT IS plain from an examination of value as a standard authority was this book that the author had immediately recognized, and it was of made a vigorous independent analysis assistance in settling the law on some of the principles of contract and that he doubtful questions, some of its views has been remarkably successful in being adopted by the courts. The stating these principles in clear logical editors of the second edition note that order. He has produced an admirable in many cases the courts have quoted text-book, which should be of incal from the first edition. They say that culable service to the student in helping they have cited in the new edition more him to understand this complicated than three thousand cases decided since elementary topic of the law. The writer the appearance of the former edition, acknowledges his indebtedness to Pollock and that they have undertaken to cite and Anson, but has drawn on the civil every important reported case decided as well the common law for his principles in the United States and Canada of classification, with results that are "except negligence cases which were not displeasing.' In view of the con merely cumulative." They have also ciseness with which the subject is included a new chapter, dealing with presented, and the firm grasp of the Interurban Railways. The author of author on his materials, it is not sur the first edition reviewed both the text prising to learn that he was a university and notes of the new edition before its lecturer on contracts for twenty-five appearance, and its maintenance of years, and this circumstance alone the high standard already set is a fore perhaps explains the compression of the gone conclusion. treatise, which deals with rules found The seventh volume of Street Rail in a great number of cited cases without way Reports continues the series without any obscuring of main ideas by sub any perceptible deviation from the plan ordinate details. In its revised and of former volumes. There is a useful enlarged form, this text-book will surely appendix of "Cases Not Reported in be allotted a place in the literature of Full," as before, and the index-digest