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The Green Bag

the Greeks. The Rhodians developed a mari time law of which we have indirect knowledge and which is the source of modern admiralty." "Norse Law in the Hebrides." By D. F. Westminster Review, v. 179, p. 526 (May). "Murder, seduction, incest (marriage was for bidden between relations to the fifth degree), and, in certain circumstances, perjury, were punished with death; theft, robbery, arson, and adulteration of food with outlawry or imprison ment, but a humane provision acquitted of all punishment the man who stole food to sustain his own or his family's exsitence. Blood and family feuds, so frequent a source of disturbance among all primitive peoples, while admitted, were not encouraged, and the law generally enforced their settlement by payment of weregild, or compensation to the aggrieved party." See Contracts, Scandalum Magnatum, Pub lic Nuisances, Visigothic Code. Marriage and Divorce. "Divorce in Eng land, the United States and Canada." By F. P. Walton. 22 Yale Law Journal 531 (May). "Nothing appears more clearly from the evi dence presented to the Royal Commission in England than the fact that in that country a very large number of people dispense with divorce simply because they cannot afford it. . . In the United States this is not the case to any thing like the same extent. Questions were submitted to a large number of American lawyers in different states. From the replies it appears that in Alabama a poor person can obtain a divorce for about forty dollars, in Connecticut for fifty dollars, in Georgia for twenty-five to fifty dollars, in Illinois for about thirty-five dol lars, in Indiana for two dollars — a price pos sibly too tempting —. in Louisiana for five dol lars, and so on. Without laying undue stress upon the precise figure there is every reason to believe that in most of the states divorce is within the reach of the mass of the people." The report of the Royal Commission receives much attention and the author also refers to opinions of sociologists on the divorce problem. "The Bases of Divorce." By John Lisle. 4 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 30 (May). A searching examination of the problem of divorce, largely from an ethical point of view; the writer makes several quotations from Miraglia. Minimum Wage. "Judicial Interpretation of the Minimum Wage in Australia." By M. B. Hammond. American Economic Review, v. 3, p. 259 (June). "Once having established his point that a living wage is to constitute the irreducible mini mum —- 'a thing sacrosanct, beyond the reach of bargaining' —. below which wages of average employees may not be allowed to fall, Mr. Jus tice Higgins [president of the Commonwealth Arbitration Court] is, however, quite willing to allow that the prosperity of an industry will have to be considered in fixing the wages of the higher grade workmen."

"A Star Chamber Tariff." By W. J. Ghent. Metropolitan, v. 38, p. 64 (June). "The bill of Senator Chilton of West Vir ginia, for a minimum wage for women whose products enter into interstate commerce, is generally regarded as defective in many respects; but it is at least a beginning, and will no doubt be followed by other bills more carefully drawn. . . . Judicial decisions, as Mr. Dooley long ago pointed out, follow the election re turns; and it seems quite likely the Supreme Court may acknowledge the power of Congress to prohibit interstate commerce in products not made under certain prescribed conditions re garding the wages and hours of women and children." Monopolies. "Amendment of the Sherman Anti-Trust Law." By J. Newton Baker. 1 Georgetown Law Journal 218 (May). "We believe the 'rule of reason' is a correct statement of the law and the application as made by the Supreme Court conforms with the intention of the originators and is fully adequate to reach and invalidate combinations, trusts, or monopolies operating in restraint of trade; that to amend the statute in such manner that 'undue,' 'indirect,' 'unreasonable,' and 'rule of reason' be eradicated is most difficult, and it is difficult to perceive the wisdom of such measure could it be accomplished." Monroe Doctrine. "The Monroe Doctrine: An Obsolete Shibboleth." By Professor Hiram Bingham, Yale University. Atlantic, v. 11l, p. 721 (June). An able study of Pan-American politics by a writer singularly well informed regarding con ditions in Latin America. "Germany is getting around the Monroe Doctrine, and is actually making a peaceful conquest of South America which will injure us just as much as if we had allowed her to make a military conquest of the Southern republics. She is winning South American friendship. She has planted colonies, one of which, in Southern Brazil, has three hundred and fifty thousand people in it, as large a population as that of Vermont, and nearly as large as that of Montana. . . . Laughing in her sleeve at the Monroe Doctrine as an antiquated policy, which only makes it easier for her to do a safe busi ness, Germany is engaged in the peaceful con quest of Spanish America." "Easy Money on the East Coast." By Gran ville Fortescue. Metropolitan, v. 38, p. 46 (June). "The Monroe Doctrine is an anomaly. It overrides vital principles of international law. It implies a superiority vested in the United States. . . . We are about to enter upon a new era in the relations with our Latin-American neighbors, and it behooves the people of this country to take mental inventory of their knowledge of South America problems; for South American problems will produce North American crises in the not far distant future." Mortgage. See Real Property. Natural Law. See Government.