Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 25.pdf/34

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Reviews of Books advantage today, and that it is frequently only by the extralegal acts of our police that order is maintained in the large cities, they will be interested in the his tory of the Camorra which he has written and his comments on the now famous Italian trial. There is also much entertaining reading in the chapters on detectives in which the author de molishes the ideals of the devotees of Dr. Conan Doyle and shows us the modern detective as a business man with unlimited telephone service. TIFFANY'S HANDBOOK OF BANK ING LAW Handbook of the Law of Banks and Banking' By Francis B. Tiffany, author of "Death by Wrong ful Act," and handbooks on "Sales" and "Principal and Agent." Hornbook Series. West Publishing Co., St. Paul, Minn. Pp. 579 + 51 (table of cases) + 37 (index) . ($3.75 delivered.) THIS is a book for practitioners dealing with deposits, checks, clear ing houses, collection of negotiable paper by banks, loans and discounts. The general principles relating to these sub jects are set forth together with the par ticular applications to our national banking system. In addition, there are chapters devoted to the interpretation of the National Bank Act, to the issue of bank notes, and a brief discussion of the principles of corporation and insol vency law particularly applicable to national banks. There is also a chapter upon savings banks. No attempt is made to deal with the multitude of statutory provisions in the several states relating to the local banks and trust companies. The National Bank Act and the other federal statutes relating to national banks are printed in an appendix with annotations. There is a voluminous index and the typo graphical arrangement is of the best. The citation of cases does not purport to be exhaustive, reference being given to the digests of the same publisher for


further authorities. The book has suc cessfully realized the author's purpose, namely, to produce a handbook of the law of banking and not a treatise, and will be found useful by those who have to deal with this subject. s. r. w. DUNN'S PURE FOOD AND DRUG MANUAL Dunn's Pure Food and Drug Legal Manual. Edited by Charles Wesley Dunn, A.M., of the New York bar. Federal, state, and territorial general and special food, drug, paint, oil, and turpentine laws, rules and regulations, food standards, food inspection decisions, and leading decisions of the courts. Uniformly classified and arranged cyclo pedia of information. V. 1, pp. xxvi, 2347. Dunn's Pure Food and Drug Legal Manual Corporation, 32 Liberty street. New York. ($12 for the 2 v.) AT its last annual meeting, the American Bar Association voted its approval of the recommendation of the Conference on Uniform State Laws that the provisions of the federal Food and Drugs Act of 1906 be copied by the states. The editor of Dunn's Manual in his introduction to a most valuable work refers to the great inconvenience to commerce arising from various and conflicting legislation, and suggests the desirability of the state legislatures yielding to the efforts that have been made to induce them to make the enact ments of their respective states har monize as closely as possible with those of the national government. The pres ent work is needed because of this very diversity in state legislation, and will help the movement toward uniformity. The treatment of the subject is analyt ical and comparative, and the federal act is taken as the basis of comparison and as the standard food and drugs statute. The work is in two volumes, of which the first lies before us and the second is to appear shortly. We are impressed by the complete and encyclopedic charac ter of the first volume, and by the clear and convenient arrangement of its volu