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The Green Bag

features, some of which ought to be enacted into a statute and others left for rules of court. Obituary

62. He was elected Supreme Court Justice in 1892, being re-elected in 1896. He was designated to the Appel late Division in 1898 and became Pre siding Justice on Jan. 1, 1904.

Ashbourne, Lord {Edward Gibson), who died May 22, was Lord Chancellor for Ireland in Lord Salisbury's first admin istration and for many years took an active part in the Irish policy of the Government.

Soper, Pliny L., former United States Attorney for Indian Territory, died in Kansas City Apr. 26. He was active in the movement for the admission of Indian and Oklahoma territories as a state.

Briggs, Frank 0., former United States Senator from New Jersey, died May 8 in Trenton. He had been Mayor of Trenton, member of the State Board of Education, and State Treasurer. He was chosen to take the place of Senator John F. Dryden in 1907; his health gave way last year and he was succeeded by William Hughes of Patterson.

Stone, Frederick Peter, president of the law publishing house of Bancroft-Whit ney Company, died in San Francisco May 7. He was born in New Hampshire in 1841, and served in the Civil War. In September, 1865, he sailed for Cali fornia, and entered the law department of H. H. Bancroft & Company. In 1886 the law book house of BancroftWhitney Company, was formed and Mr. Stone was first vice-president and later president. He retired from active work in 1909, but retained the title of president of the corporation.

Crocker, George C., former president of the Massachusetts Senate, lawyer and author, died May 26. He was for twenty years a member of the Boston Transit Commission, and had previously been chairman of the State Railroad Commission. Jackson, Gen. Joseph Cooke, who for many years practised law in New York, being at one time an assistant federal attorney, died May 22. Leake, General Joseph B., one of the oldest practitioners at the Chicago bar, died on June 1. He was appointed United States District Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois in 1879, a position which he filled with marked ability for four and one-half years. In 1887 he was elected attorney for the Board of Education of the City of Chicago. McLennan, Peter B., of Syracuse, Pre siding Justice of the Fourth Depart ment, Appellate Division, tripped while going downstairs and died May 8, aged

Swift, Theodore H., formerly presid ing Judge of the New York Court of Claims, died at Potsdam, N. Y., June 9, aged 63. He served in that court from 1902 until 1911, until the court was superseded by the present Board of Claims. Wise, John Sergeant, a brother of former United States Attorney Henry A. Wise of New York, died at the home of his son in Maryland May 12, aged 67. He served in the Confederate cause, later being graduated from the law school of the University of Virginia. He held the offices of United States Attorney for the eastern district of Vir ginia and Member of Congress. After ward he practised law in New York City until 1911, when he retired because of ill health.