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The Green Bag

intimates, might not have arisen if the public could have anticipated certain practices detrimental to the insurance business and prohibited them by legisla tion. The questions how far insurance should be treated as a monopoly, and whether it should be a public undertak ing assumed by the state, have become serious problems of the day, and these problems furnish the principal theme of skilful and dispassionate discussion by a competent specialist and lucid writer. The disadvantages of conflicting sys tems of state legislation, and the national aspects of the business of insurance, are recognized, particularly in connection with the newer projects of social insur ance. The tone of the book is at once progressive and practical; while the author is disposed to look upon insurance as a proper function of the government, his conclusions are carefully qualified and avoid any partisanship or onesidedness.

of trade-unionism and political socialism, unless the community awakens to a perception of the situation and to the need of conciliating rather than sup pressing those who take part in the disturbance. Mr. Brooks has confi dence in a disinterested public opinion which can teach employers and laboring men their respective rights, and seems to put his trust in the efficacy of a mode rate program of state socialism such as has been employed in Germany and England and was embodied in the Roosevelt platform of the Progressive party. Written by one of our keenest and best qualified students of labor problems, the book contains a valuable survey of the I. W. W. movement, and is highly instructive and deserves wide circulation. WORKMEN'S

COMPENSATION CASES Leading Cases in Workmen's Compensation. By G. N. W. Thomas, M.B.. Ch.B., of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-Law. Butterworth & Co.. London, Winnipeg, Sydney and Calcutta. Pp. 122 THE I. W. W. + 21 (index). American Syndicalism: The I. W. W. By John THE use of this compilation of lead Graham Brooks, author of As Others See Us, ing cases to the English practi The Social Unrest, etc. Macmillan Company, New York. Pp. 256 + 8 (index). ($1.25 net.) tioner is evident; it may also prove of MR. BROOKS has written a most some slight aid in promoting uniform readable account of a new move interpretation of the provisions of our ment which within two years has as own workmen's compensation acts. The sumed a momentous importance in this subject of course has a voluminous country. A concise definition of syn literature, but a distillation of the original dicalism is not attempted — perhaps principles of the English case law in a wisely. But the book describes by the little book of curtailed reports is wel bulk of its testimony what American come. We are particularly impressed syndicalism is; it is obviously a form by the simplicity, directness, and brevity of revolutionary socialism which has of the opinions of the judges in these grown distrustful of political agencies fifty-six important House of Lords and of reform and is determined to gain Court of Appeal cases. There is not control of the centres and sources of the faintest suggestion of judicial pedan economic power by recourse if necessary try or legal philomathy in any of them; to measures of violence. The claim is doctrines of great moment are laid put forward that this revolutionary down without hair-splitting and with force will supersede the ordinary methods scant reference to prior authority. The