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The Green Bag

ticipate, and which would adjust trouble some questions arising from internal dis order in any one state in a manner more conducive to a wholesome general under standing than is possible when the United States takes to itself responsi bilities from which other important powers are excluded. COPELAND'S COTTON MANUFAC TURING INDUSTRY The Cotton Manufacturing Industry of the United States. By Melvin Thomas Copeland, Ph.D., Instructor in Commercial Organization in Harvard University. Harvard Economic Studies, v. 8. Harvard University, Cambridge. Pp. 389 + 23 (appendix, bibliography and index.) ($2 net.) DR. COPELAND has written the first thorough study of the history of the American cotton industry and of its present situation in comparison with the cotton manufacturing industry in Europe. He has gathered together from a great variety of sources a mass of information that will prove of great interest to men interested in economic and business questions. The develop ment since the Civil War receives most attention, as it should. Geographical factors, technical methods, labor con ditions, and industrial organization in the principal countries are compared. The author weighs his evidence and submits independent conclusions, which are discreetly formed and are not likely to be impugned. He refrains from attri buting any great influence to the tariff on the growth of the American industry; he points out how the larger scale of production in this country and the better factory organization counteracts the higher earnings of the operatives; and while admitting that Lancashire is the chief, and only serious rival of the United States, he is unable to point out a pre ponderance of advantages on either side. The book is a valuable and exhaustive first-hand study, though the

important subject of comparative costs and standards of living is purposely ignored as entailing a special investi gation. NOTES The fourth edition of Watson on Cheques brings the law as laid down in decisions con struing the English Bills of Exchange Act up to date, without departing from the brief, succinct form of the treatise. The decisions rendered since the publication of the third edition have evidently been analyzed with care and the revi sion has been carried out with thoroughness. (Butterworth & Co. (Canada) Ltd., Winnipeg, Man.; pp. xxiv, 148 and index 15.) Strahan and Hendrick's Digest of Equity, the third edition of which is now published, is pri marily designed to serve as an elementary text book and as a manual for the practitioner in British courts. While it aims at a thorough exposition of principles, it gives much attention to purely formal and statutory matters, and for mulates the rules of equity as a remedial system of local application rather than as a system of substantive rights and obligations. (Butterworth & Co. (Canada) Ltd., Winnipeg, Man.; pp. liv, 562 and index 33.) The Canadian Law List for 1913 is a useful handbook, containing complete lists of the judi ciary of the Dominion, and the names of bar risters and solicitors in all the provinces, with many additional features. (Published by Canadian Legal Publishing Co., Toronto.) BOOKS RECEIVED Organized Democracy: An Introduction to the Study of American Politics. By Frederick A. Cleve land, Ph.D., LL.D. American Citizen Series, edited by Albert Bushnell Hart, LL.D. Longmans, Green & Co., New York and London. Pp. xxxvi, 465 + 14 (index). (12.50 net.) A Treatise on the Law of Estoppel, or of Incon testable Rights. By Melville M. Bigelow. 6th ed., revised by James N. Carter, Ph.B., J.M. Little, Brown & Co., Boston. Pp. lxxiii. 807 + 50 (index). ($6.50 net.) The Principles of Judicial Proof, as Given by Logic, Psychology, and General Experience, and Illustrated in Judicial Trials. Compiled by John Henry Wigmore, Professor of the Law of Evidence in Northwestern University, author of A System of Evidence in Trials at Common Law, A Pocket Code of Evidence, etc. Little, Brown & Co., Boston. Pp. xvi, 1179 (index). ($6 net.) The Theory of Social Revolutions. By Brooks Adams. Macmillan Co., New York. Pp. 240. ($1.25 net.)