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The Green Bag

were Frank B. Kellogg, president of the American Bar Association, and Dean W. R. Vance of the University of Min nesota. The Committee on Jurispru dence and Law Reform presented a lengthy report on the "blue sky" law. The following officers were elected : Presi dent, H. V. Mercer, Minneapolis; vicepresident, H. L. Schmidt, Mankato; secretary, Chester L. Caldwell, St. Paul; assistant secretary, John M. Bradford, St. Paul; treasurer, Royal A. Stone, St. Paul.

the House of Delegates, delivered an address on "Tax Reform in Virginia," which subject was the basis for the prin cipal discussion of the meeting. Pro fessor William H. Lyle of the University of Virginia gave the president's address, and the annual address by Hon. Hamp ton L. Carson of Philadelphia was devoted to a consideration of the "Recall of Judges." Major Samuel Griffin of Bedford City was elected president of the association.

An English Estimate of our Criminal Procedure North Dakota. — The annual meeting of the North Dakota Bar Association "In criminal cases as conducted in was held at Mandan, N. D., on Sep the United States," says the London tember 9 and 10. The program included Times, "it is not the prisoner in the dock, the president's address by A. G. Divet but the judge on the bench, who really of Wahpeton, the annual address by is on trial. It is the fetish worship of Hon. Charles W. Willard of the federal forms and rules that makes judicial bench of Minnesota, and an address by procedure in America a hindrance to William G. Owens on "Inheritance justice and a comfort to criminals, and Tax Laws." too many decisions of state courts on social, industrial, and constitutional Utah. — The Utah State Bar Associa issues seem to have been formed with tion elected H. R. Macmillan president the same quibbling spirit. They have at its annual meeting Aug. 16. Carl lost touch with life; they have grown A. Badger was re-elected secretary. An petrified in pettifogging abstractions, address was delivered on "Present Day and no problem that confronts the Government Tendencies" by Frank S. American people is more urgent or cuts Dietrich, United States judge for the deeper than the problem of how to lead district of Idaho. His topic centered them back to reality and common sense." mainly in the proposed recall of judges, Commenting further on Mr. Taft's and the trend of public opinion as re recent Montreal address, the London lating to the work of the bench. Times declares: "Mr. Taft's pronounce The session opened with the annual ment is bound to intensify misgivings address of the retiring president, H. H. which many Americans have come to Henderson of Ogden, and Frank Hol- feel in the efficiency of their state courts man spoke on "The Inns of Court." and the system on which they are based. The banquet furnished the occasion for It would be mere flattery to pretend that some good speeches. judges at these tribunals have anything like the standing of our own judiciary. Virginia. — The Virginia State Bar The great and growing lack of confidence Association held its annual meeting in state courts, in their honesty and at Hot Springs, Va., on July 29, 30 and impartiality, as well as in their technical 31. Richard Evelyn Byrd, Speaker of efficiency, is one of the most disquieting