Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 25.pdf/526

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The Volume XXV

Green December, 1913

Bag Number 12

The New Judicial Appointments in England

AGAIN the English judicial system has given proof of its singular effectiveness in filling vacancies by meri torious promotion. The advancement of Sir Rufus Isaacs, K.C., M.P., to the office of Lord Chief Justice of England has been singularly Well received. The explanation is to be found in the general recognition of those merits which the London Law Journal sought to define when it spoke of "the unremitting indus try, the large grasp of legal principles, the ready grasp of facts, the innate sense of fairness, the serenity of temper and the dignity of demeanor which Sir Rufus Isaacs The marked has always ability displayed of theatnew the bar." Lord

In some of the reports of his rapid rise, a romantic coloring has been given to his adoption of the legal career at a comparatively late age after he had met with failure in his stock exchange career. As a matter of fact Sir Rufus Isaacs was called to the bar at the age of twenty-seven, an age at which little advantage can be derived from a few years' experience in practice. His rise has been the steady progress of a barris ter of conspicuous attainments, and as he is now fifty-three years old his ap pointment as Lord Chief Justice comes as the reward of twenty-five years of hard work at his profession. The record reads as follows: called to the bar in Chief Justice as an advocate, the attrac 1887, made a Q.C. in 1898, succeeded tiveness of his personality, and his great in 1900 to the commanding position at sense of fairness, have endeared him to the bar made vacant by the appoint the English bar, of which he has been ment of Sir Edward Carson as Solicitorone of the most popular members. General, was advanced in 1910 to the As an advocate his success has been post of Solicitor-General upon the founded on lucidity of argument and advancement of Sir Samuel Evans to skill in cross-examination more than the presidency of the Probate, Divorce, upon forensic eloquence. His unusual and Admiralty Division, and some six grasp of details of financial and com months later succeeded Sir William mercial transactions, the foundation Robson as Attorney-General. of which was laid during his stockThe retirement of Lord Alverstone brokerage experience, made him a master from the office he has filled with such of intricate subjects of litigation, and ability for thirteen years is universally he brings to the chair of Mansfield an regretted. The retiring Lord Chief Jus equipment in the law merchant which tice was a judge of great breadth of mind, freedom from pettiness, and gen suggests that of his great predecessor.